Open innovation

Cancer GD


Based in UCD School of Computer Science and UCD Conway Institute, Cancer GD provides an important open resource in the search for novel therapeutic treatments. 

The Research 

Dr Colm Ryan, Assistant Professor in UCD School of Computer Science, and his lab develop machine learning models for complex analyses of genes that drive cancer.

The goal of this research is to identify ways that cancer cells may be vulnerable and selectively killed. Not all vulnerabilities can be exploited for therapy and testing them is slow and expensive. The team uses machine learning to make predictions and rank the vulnerabilities that are most likely to be useful for therapy. These predictions can serve as potential starting points for new drug discovery.

Open Science

Dr Ryan and his team makes these predictions openly available so that they can be used by other research groups or pharmaceutical companies as a resource in the search for novel therapeutic treatments. Furthermore, the source code and all of the data used to train their predictions is also openly available.

You can find more information about these open predictions on the website here