Dr Jacqueline Burke |
Meehan TC; Timmins F; Burke J (2018) 'Fundamental care guided by the Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model<sup>©</sup>'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43445) :2260-2273.  |
Ms Lorraine Carroll |
Redmond C; Davies C; Halligan P; Joye R; Carroll L; Frawley T (2018) 'Nursing and midwifery students’ perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study'. Nurse Education Today 65 :242-249.  |
Assoc Professor Mary Casey |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
Cocoman AM; Casey M (2018) 'The Physical Health of Individuals Receiving Antipsychotic Medication: A Qualitative Inquiry on Experiences and Needs'. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 39 (3) :282-289.  |
Casey M; O' Leary D; Coghlan D (2018) 'Unpacking action research and implementation science: Implications for nursing'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (5) :1051-1058.  |
O'Connor L; Casey M; Smith R; Fealy GM; Brien DO; O'Leary D; Stokes D; McNamara MS; Glasgow ME; Cashin A (2018) 'The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43256) :e882-e894.  |
Cashin A., Casey M., Fairbrother G., Graham I., Irvine L., Mc Cormack B. and Thoms D (2017) 'Third generation Professional Doctorates in nursing: The move to clarity in learning product differentiation.'. Practice Development in Health Care .  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2018) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management .  |
Ms Alison Clancy |
Clancy A; Vince R (2018) 'Theory as Fantasy: Emotional Dimensions to Grounded Theory'. British Journal of Management .  |
Dr Michael Connolly |
McIlfatrick S; Connolly M; Collins R; Murphy T; Johnston B; Larkin P (2017) 'Evaluating a dignity care intervention for palliative care in the community setting: community nurses’ perspectives'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 26 (23-24) :4300-4312.  |
Brenner M; Connolly M; Larkin PJ; Hilliard C; Howlin F; Cawley D (2017) 'Adaptation of a Voice-Centered Relational Framework to Explore the Perspective of Parents Who Have Transitioned to Home with a Child With Complex Care Needs'. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 40 (4) :285-293.  |
Chidiac C., Connolly M (2017) 'Developing an interdisciplinary postgraduate programme in palliative and end of life care'. BMJ supportive & palliative care 7 :A104-A105.  |
Mr Fergal Connolly |
Fox S; Lydon S; Byrne D; Madden C; Connolly F; O’Connor P (2018) 'A systematic review of interventions to foster physician resilience'. Postgraduate Medical Journal 94 (1109) :162-170.  |
Connolly F; Byrne D; Lydon S; Walsh C; O’Connor P (2017) 'Barriers and facilitators related to the implementation of a physiological track and trigger system: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence'. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 29 (8) :973-980.  |
Dr Barbara Coughlan |
Sheridan A; O’Keeffe D; Coughlan B; Frazer K; Drennan J; Kemple M (2018) 'Friendship and money: A qualitative study of service users’ experiences of participating in a supported socialisation programme'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 64 (4) :326-334.  |
Cullen S; Coughlan B; Casey B; Power S; Brosnan M (2018) 'Parents' experiences of clinical care during second trimester miscarriage'. British Journal of Midwifery 26 (5) :309-315.  |
Doherty J; Coughlan B; Casey B; Lloyd B; Sheehy L; Brosnan M; Barry T; McMahon A; Cullen S (2018) 'Student midwives' education needs and their experience of attending a bereavement education workshop'. British Journal of Midwifery 26 (8) :523-531.  |
Ms Orla Daly |
Redmond C; Davies C; Cornally D; Adam E; Daly O; Fegan M; O'Toole M (2018) 'Using reusable learning objects (RLOs) in wound care education: Undergraduate student nurse's evaluation of their learning gain'. Nurse Education Today 60 :3-10.  |
Dr Carmel Davies |
Ní Shé É; Davies C; Blake C; Crowley R; McCann A; Fullen B; O'Donnell D; O'Connor J; Kelly S; Darcy M (2018) 'What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol'. .  |
Redmond C; Davies C; Halligan P; Joye R; Carroll L; Frawley T (2018) 'Nursing and midwifery students’ perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study'. Nurse Education Today 65 :242-249.  |
Redmond C; Davies C; Cornally D; Adam E; Daly O; Fegan M; O'Toole M (2018) 'Using reusable learning objects (RLOs) in wound care education: Undergraduate student nurse's evaluation of their learning gain'. Nurse Education Today 60 :3-10.  |
O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Davies C; Donnelly S; Cooney T; O'Coimin D; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Sullivan D; Rock B (2018) 'Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol'. .  |
Dr Aoife De Brún |
Shan LC; De Brún A; Henchion M; Li C; Murrin C; Wall PG; Monahan FJ (2017) 'Consumer evaluations of processed meat products reformulated to be healthier – A conjoint analysis study'. Meat Science 131 :82-89.  |
Shan LC; Henchion M; De Brún A; Murrin C; Wall PG; Monahan FJ (2017) 'Factors that predict consumer acceptance of enriched processed meats'. Meat Science 133 :185-193.  |
De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Social network analysis as a methodological approach to explore health systems: A case study exploring support among senior managers/executives in a hospital network'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (3).  |
McAuliffe E; De Brún A; Ward M; O'Shea M; Cunningham U; O'Donovan R; McGinley S; Fitzsimons J; Corrigan S; McDonald N (2017) 'Collective leadership and safety cultures (Co-Lead): Protocol for a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of the impact of a co-designed collective leadership intervention on team performance and safety culture in a hospital group in Ireland'. BMJ Open 7 (11).  |
De Brún A; Flynn D; Ternent L; Price CI; Rodgers H; Ford GA; Rudd M; Lancsar E; Simpson S; Teah J (2018) 'Factors that influence clinicians’ decisions to offer intravenous alteplase in acute ischemic stroke patients with uncertain treatment indication: Results of a discrete choice experiment'. International Journal of Stroke 13 (1) :74-82.  |
Kieran M; Cleary M; de Brún A; Igoe A (2017) 'Supply and demand: Application of Lean Six Sigma methods to improve drug round efficiency and release nursing time'. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 29 (6) :803-809.  |
Ward ME; Brún AD; Beirne D; Conway C; Cunningham U; English A; Fitzsimons J; Furlong E; Kane Y; Kelly A (2018) 'Using co-design to develop a collective leadership intervention for healthcare teams to improve safety culture'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (6).  |
De Brún A; Flynn D; Ternent L; Price CI; Rodgers H; Ford GA; Rudd M; Lancsar E; Simpson S; Teah J (2018) 'A novel design process for selection of attributes for inclusion in discrete choice experiments: Case study exploring variation in clinical decision-making about thrombolysis in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke'. BMC Health Services Research 18 (1).  |
Cunningham U; Ward ME; De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Team interventions in acute hospital contexts: A systematic search of the literature using realist synthesis'. BMC Health Services Research 18 (1).  |
Dr Susie Donnelly |
Donnelly S; Reginatto B; Kearns O; Mc Carthy M; Byrom B; Muehlhausen W; Caulfield B (2018) 'The burden of a remote trial in a nursing home setting: Qualitative study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 20 (6).  |
Mr Francesco Fattori |
Pozzi M; Quartiroli A; Alfieri S; Fattori F; Pistoni C (2018) '(Dis)Obedience in U.S. American young adults: A new way to describe authority relationship'. Europe's Journal of Psychology 14 (2) :404-423. |
Aresi G; Fattori F; Pozzi M; Moore SC (2017) 'I am going to make the most out of it! Italian university Credit Mobility Students’ social representations of alcohol use during study abroad experiences'. Journal of Health Psychology .  |
Professor Gerard Fealy |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
Fealy G; Donnelly S; Doyle G; Brenner M; Hughes M; Mylotte E; Nicholson E; Zaki M (2018) 'Clinical handover practices among healthcare practitioners in acute care services: A qualitative study'. Journal of Clinical Nursing .  |
McCombe G; Fogarty F; Swan D; Hannigan A; Fealy GM; Kyne L; Meagher D; Cullen W (2018) 'Identified mental disorders in older adults in primary care: A cross-sectional database study'. European Journal of General Practice 24 (1) :84-91.  |
O'Connor L; Casey M; Smith R; Fealy GM; Brien DO; O'Leary D; Stokes D; McNamara MS; Glasgow ME; Cashin A (2018) 'The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43256) :e882-e894.  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2018) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management .  |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .  |
Dr Timothy Frawley |
Redmond C; Davies C; Halligan P; Joye R; Carroll L; Frawley T (2018) 'Nursing and midwifery students’ perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study'. Nurse Education Today 65 :242-249.  |
Sutton M; O'Keeffe D; Frawley T; Madigan K; Fanning F; Lawlor E; Roche E; Kelly A; Turner N; Horenstein A (2018) 'Feasibility of a psychosis information intervention to improve mental health literacy for professional groups in contact with young people'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 12 (2) :234-239.  |
Dr Kate Frazer |
Frazer K; Kelleher C (2018) 'Reducing tobacco smoke exposure for vulnerable groups: hospital settings and teachable moments'. Perspectives in Public Health 138 (3) :142-144.  |
Sheridan A; O’Keeffe D; Coughlan B; Frazer K; Drennan J; Kemple M (2018) 'Friendship and money: A qualitative study of service users’ experiences of participating in a supported socialisation programme'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 64 (4) :326-334.  |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hall P; Hyde A; O'Connor L (2017) '‘Betwixt and between health and illness’ – women's narratives following acute coronary syndrome'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 26 (21-22) :3457-3470.  |
Dr Eileen Furlong |
Ward ME; Brún AD; Beirne D; Conway C; Cunningham U; English A; Fitzsimons J; Furlong E; Kane Y; Kelly A (2018) 'Using co-design to develop a collective leadership intervention for healthcare teams to improve safety culture'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (6).  |
Dr Phil Halligan |
Redmond C; Davies C; Halligan P; Joye R; Carroll L; Frawley T (2018) 'Nursing and midwifery students’ perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study'. Nurse Education Today 65 :242-249.  |
Farrell R; Halligan P (2017) 'Nurses' Experience of Caring for Patients in the Community After Discharge With an Interventional Radiology Drain in Ireland: A Qualitative Study'. Journal of Radiology Nursing 36 (4) :228-235.  |
Ms Frances Howlin |
Brenner M; Connolly M; Larkin PJ; Hilliard C; Howlin F; Cawley D (2017) 'Adaptation of a Voice-Centered Relational Framework to Explore the Perspective of Parents Who Have Transitioned to Home with a Child With Complex Care Needs'. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 40 (4) :285-293.  |
Professor Abbey Hyde |
Clarke M; Drennan J; Hyde A; Politis Y (2018) 'The impact of austerity on Irish higher education faculty'. Higher Education 75 (6) :1047-1060.  |
J Drennan, Clarke M, Hyde A, Politis Y (2018) 'The impact of austerity on Irish higher education faculty.'. Higher Education .  |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hall P; Hyde A; O'Connor L (2017) '‘Betwixt and between health and illness’ – women's narratives following acute coronary syndrome'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 26 (21-22) :3457-3470.  |
Hyde A; Fullerton D; Lohan M; Dunne L; Macdonald G (2017) 'Young people’s views on the impact of care experiences on their ability to form positive intimate relationships'. Adoption and Fostering 41 (3) :242-253.  |
Dr Regina Joye |
Redmond C; Davies C; Halligan P; Joye R; Carroll L; Frawley T (2018) 'Nursing and midwifery students’ perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study'. Nurse Education Today 65 :242-249.  |
Ms Mary Kemple |
Sheridan A; O’Keeffe D; Coughlan B; Frazer K; Drennan J; Kemple M (2018) 'Friendship and money: A qualitative study of service users’ experiences of participating in a supported socialisation programme'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 64 (4) :326-334.  |
Professor Thilo Kroll |
Ní Shé É; Davies C; Blake C; Crowley R; McCann A; Fullen B; O'Donnell D; O'Connor J; Kelly S; Darcy M (2018) 'What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol'. .  |
O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Davies C; Donnelly S; Cooney T; O'Coimin D; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Sullivan D; Rock B (2018) 'Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol'. .  |
Cunningham KB; Kroll T; Wells M (2018) 'Development of the cancer-related loneliness assessment tool: Using the findings of a qualitative analysis to generate questionnaire items'. European Journal of Cancer Care 27 (2).  |
Baldie DJ; Guthrie B; Entwistle V; Kroll T (2018) 'Exploring the impact and use of patients' feedback about their care experiences in general practice settings-A realist synthesis'. Family Practice 35 (1) :13-21.  |
Valentine L; Kroll T; Bruce F; Lim C; Mountain R (2017) 'Design Thinking for Social Innovation in Health Care'. Design Journal 20 (6) :755-774.  |
Morris JH; Oliver T; Kroll T; Joice S; Williams B (2017) 'Physical activity participation in community dwelling stroke survivors: synergy and dissonance between motivation and capability. A qualitative study'. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom) 103 (3) :311-321.  |
Alhusein N; Macaden L; Smith A; Stoddart KM; Taylor AJ; Killick K; Kroll T; Watson MC (2018) ''Has she seen me? ': A multiple methods study of the pharmaceutical care needs of older people with sensory impairment in Scotland'. BMJ Open 8 (8).  |
Alhusein N; Killick K; Macaden L; Smith A; Stoddart K; Taylor A; Kroll T; Watson MC (2018) '“We're really not ready for this”: A qualitative exploration of community pharmacy Personnel's perspectives on the pharmaceutical care of older people with sensory impairment'. Disability and Health Journal .  |
Dr Attracta Lafferty |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .  |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .  |
Professor Philip Larkin |
McIlfatrick S; Connolly M; Collins R; Murphy T; Johnston B; Larkin P (2017) 'Evaluating a dignity care intervention for palliative care in the community setting: community nurses’ perspectives'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 26 (23-24) :4300-4312.  |
Canal-Sotelo J; Trujillano-Cabello J; Larkin P; Arraràs-Torrelles N; González-Rubió R; Rocaspana-Garcia M; Barallat-Gimeno E (2018) 'Prevalence and characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain in an outpatient clinic in a Catalan teaching hospital: Incorporation of the Edmonton Classification System for Cancer pain into the diagnostic algorithm'. BMC Palliative Care 17 (1).  |
Larkin PJ (2018) 'Competence and its conundrums: A call for clinical wisdom'. Journal of Palliative Medicine 21 (7) :890-891.  |
Assoc Professor Hasheem Mannan |
Vergunst R; Swartz L; Hem KG; Eide AH; Mannan H; MacLachlan M; Mji G; Braathen SH; Schneider M (2017) 'Access to health care for persons with disabilities in rural South Africa'. BMC Health Services Research 17 (1).  |
Munthali AC; Swartz L; Mannan H; MacLachlan M; Chilimampunga C; Makupe C (2017) '“This one will delay us”: barriers to accessing health care services among persons with disabilities in Malawi'. Disability and Rehabilitation :1-8.  |
Visagie S; Eide AH; Dyrstad K; Mannan H; Swartz L; Schneider M; Mji G; Munthali A; Khogali M; Rooy GV (2017) 'Factors related to environmental barriers experienced by persons with and without disabilities in diverse African settings'. PLoS ONE 12 (10).  |
Gilmore B; MacLachlan M; McVeigh J; McClean C; Carr S; Duttine A; Mannan H; McAuliffe E; Mji G; Eide AH (2017) 'A study of human resource competencies required to implement community rehabilitation in less resourced settings'. Human Resources for Health 15 (1).  |
Visagie S; Eide AH; Mannan H; Schneider M; Swartz L; Mji G; Munthali A; Khogali M; van Rooy G; Hem KG (2017) 'A description of assistive technology sources, services and outcomes of use in a number of African settings'. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 12 (7) :705-712.  |
MacLachlan M; Banes D; Bell D; Borg J; Donnelly B; Fembek M; Ghosh R; Gowran RJ; Hannay E; Hiscock D (2018) 'Assistive technology policy: a position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit'. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 13 (5) :454-466.  |
Smith EM; Gowran RJ; Mannan H; Donnelly B; Alvarez L; Bell D; Contepomi S; Ennion L; Hoogerwerf EJ; Howe T (2018) 'Enabling appropriate personnel skill-mix for progressive realization of equitable access to assistive technology'. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 13 (5) :445-453.  |
Vergunst R; Swartz L; Hem KG; Eide AH; Mannan H; MacLachlan M; Mji G; Schneider M (2018) 'The perceived needs-access gap for health services among persons with disabilities in a rural area within South Africa'. Disability and Rehabilitation :1-7.  |
Professor Eilish McAuliffe |
Madede T; Sidat M; McAuliffe E; Patricio SR; Uduma O; Galligan M; Bradley S; Cambe I (2017) 'The impact of a supportive supervision intervention on health workers in Niassa, Mozambique: A cluster-controlled trial'. Human Resources for Health 15 (1).  |
De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Social network analysis as a methodological approach to explore health systems: A case study exploring support among senior managers/executives in a hospital network'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (3).  |
McAuliffe E; De Brún A; Ward M; O'Shea M; Cunningham U; O'Donovan R; McGinley S; Fitzsimons J; Corrigan S; McDonald N (2017) 'Collective leadership and safety cultures (Co-Lead): Protocol for a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of the impact of a co-designed collective leadership intervention on team performance and safety culture in a hospital group in Ireland'. BMJ Open 7 (11).  |
Ward ME; Brún AD; Beirne D; Conway C; Cunningham U; English A; Fitzsimons J; Furlong E; Kane Y; Kelly A (2018) 'Using co-design to develop a collective leadership intervention for healthcare teams to improve safety culture'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (6).  |
Cunningham U; Ward ME; De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Team interventions in acute hospital contexts: A systematic search of the literature using realist synthesis'. BMC Health Services Research 18 (1).  |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .  |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .  |
Gilmore B; MacLachlan M; McVeigh J; McClean C; Carr S; Duttine A; Mannan H; McAuliffe E; Mji G; Eide AH (2017) 'A study of human resource competencies required to implement community rehabilitation in less resourced settings'. Human Resources for Health 15 (1).  |
Shé ÉN; Keogan F; McAuliffe E; O’Shea D; McCarthy M; McNamara R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Undertaking a collaborative rapid realist review to investigate what works in the successful implementation of a frail older person’s pathway'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (2).  |
Coughlan E; Geary U; Wakai A; O'Sullivan R; Browne J; McAuliffe E; Ward M; McDaid F; Deasy C (2017) 'An introduction to the Emergency Department Adult Clinical Escalation protocol: ED-ACE'. Emergency Medicine Journal 34 (9) :608-612.  |
Professor Martin McNamara |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
O'Connor L; Casey M; Smith R; Fealy GM; Brien DO; O'Leary D; Stokes D; McNamara MS; Glasgow ME; Cashin A (2018) 'The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43256) :e882-e894.  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2018) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management .  |
Ms Marie Meskell |
Connolly SA; Gillingwater TH; Chandler C; Grant AW; Greig J; Meskell M; Ross MT; Smith CF; Wood AF; Finn GM (2018) 'The Anatomical Society's core anatomy syllabus for undergraduate nursing'. Journal of Anatomy 232 (5) :721-728.  |
Meskell, M, Davies, C, Redmond, C (2018) 'Using an automated response system as a pedagogical strategy to enhance Anatomy & Physiology teaching in an undergraduate nursing curriculum.'. Journal of Anatomy 232 (2) :304-355.  |
Dr Éidín Ní Shé |
Ní Shé É; Davies C; Blake C; Crowley R; McCann A; Fullen B; O'Donnell D; O'Connor J; Kelly S; Darcy M (2018) 'What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol'. .  |
O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Davies C; Donnelly S; Cooney T; O'Coimin D; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Sullivan D; Rock B (2018) 'Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol'. .  |
Shé ÉN; Keogan F; McAuliffe E; O’Shea D; McCarthy M; McNamara R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Undertaking a collaborative rapid realist review to investigate what works in the successful implementation of a frail older person’s pathway'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (2).  |
Ní Shé, É., McAuliffe, E. (2018) 'Why are junior doctors reluctant to report unsafe care?'. .  |
Ní Shé É; McCarthy M; O'Donnell D; Collins O; Hughes G; Salter N; Cogan L; O'Donoghue C; McGrath E; O'Donovan J (2018) 'The systematic approach to improving care for Frail Older Patients (SAFE) study: A protocol for co-designing a frail older person’s pathway'. .  |
Levesque JF; O'Dowd JJM; Ní Shé ÉM; Weenink JW; Gunn J (2018) 'Moving regional health services planning and management to a population-based approach: Implementation of the Regional Operating Model (ROM) in Victoria, Australia'. Australian Journal of Primary Health 24 (4) :311-316.  |
Ní Shé É; McCarthy M; O'Donnell D; Collins O; Hughes G; Salter N; Cogan L; O'Donoghue C; McGrath E; O'Donovan J (2018) 'The systematic approach to improving care for Frail Older Patients (SAFE) study: A protocol for co-designing a frail older person’s pathway'. .  |
Dr Emma Nicholson |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
Fealy G; Donnelly S; Doyle G; Brenner M; Hughes M; Mylotte E; Nicholson E; Zaki M (2018) 'Clinical handover practices among healthcare practitioners in acute care services: A qualitative study'. Journal of Clinical Nursing .  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Nicholson E; Guerin S; Keogh F; Dodd P (2018) 'Comparing Traditional-Residential, Personalised Residential and Personalised Non-Residential respite services: Quality of life findings from an Irish population with mild–moderate intellectual disabilities'. British Journal of Learning Disabilities .  |
Dr Denise O'Brien |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
O'Connor L; Casey M; Smith R; Fealy GM; Brien DO; O'Leary D; Stokes D; McNamara MS; Glasgow ME; Cashin A (2018) 'The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43256) :e882-e894.  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Professor Laserina O'Connor |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
O'Connor L; Casey M; Smith R; Fealy GM; Brien DO; O'Leary D; Stokes D; McNamara MS; Glasgow ME; Cashin A (2018) 'The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43256) :e882-e894.  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2018) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management .  |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hall P; Hyde A; O'Connor L (2017) '‘Betwixt and between health and illness’ – women's narratives following acute coronary syndrome'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 26 (21-22) :3457-3470.  |
O'Connor L; Carpenter B; O'Connor C; O'Driscoll J (2018) 'An interprofessional learning experience for trainee general practitioners in an academic urban minor injuries unit with advanced nurse practitioners (Emergency)'. International Emergency Nursing .  |
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell |
Ní Shé É; Davies C; Blake C; Crowley R; McCann A; Fullen B; O'Donnell D; O'Connor J; Kelly S; Darcy M (2018) 'What are the mechanisms that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research? A rapid realist review protocol'. .  |
O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Davies C; Donnelly S; Cooney T; O'Coimin D; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Sullivan D; Rock B (2018) 'Promoting assisted decision-making in acute care settings for care planning purposes: Study protocol'. .  |
Ní Shé É; McCarthy M; O'Donnell D; Collins O; Hughes G; Salter N; Cogan L; O'Donoghue C; McGrath E; O'Donovan J (2018) 'The systematic approach to improving care for Frail Older Patients (SAFE) study: A protocol for co-designing a frail older person’s pathway'. .  |
Ní Shé É; McCarthy M; O'Donnell D; Collins O; Hughes G; Salter N; Cogan L; O'Donoghue C; McGrath E; O'Donovan J (2018) 'The systematic approach to improving care for Frail Older Patients (SAFE) study: A protocol for co-designing a frail older person’s pathway'. .  |
Dr Carla O'Neill |
O'Neill C; McCaughan E; Semple CJ; Ryan A (2018) 'Fathers' experiences of living with cancer: a phenomenological study'. European Journal of Cancer Care 27 (1) :e12492-e12492.  |
O’Neill CS; Yaqoob M; Faraj S; O’Neill CL (2017) 'Nurses’ care practices at the end of life in intensive care units in Bahrain'. Nursing Ethics 24 (8) :950-961.  |
Corbally M; Kirwan A; Kelly M; O'Neill C (2018) 'Simulating Troublesome Contexts : How Multiple Roles Within Ward Based Simulations Promote Professional Nursing Competence'. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care 16 (1) :18-23.  |
Ms Marie O'Shea |
Ward ME; Brún AD; Beirne D; Conway C; Cunningham U; English A; Fitzsimons J; Furlong E; Kane Y; Kelly A (2018) 'Using co-design to develop a collective leadership intervention for healthcare teams to improve safety culture'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (6).  |
Assoc Professor Amanda Phelan |
Campbell J; Davis M; Phelan A; Hanley D (2018) 'Dealing with the learning needs of child welfare social and health care workers: an interdisciplinary approach to blended learning with part time students'. Social Work Education 37 (6) :746-760.  |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .  |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Adams E (2018) 'Examining missed care in community nursing: A cross section survey design'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (3) :626-636.  |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Adams E (2018) 'Examining the context of community nursing in Ireland and the impact of missed care.'. British journal of community nursing 23 (1) :34-40.  |
Gewirtz-Meydan A; Hafford-Letchfield T; Ayalon L; Benyamini Y; Biermann V; Coffey A; Jackson J; Phelan A; Voß P; Geiger Zeman M (2018) 'How do older people discuss their own sexuality? A systematic review of qualitative research studies'. Culture, Health and Sexuality :1-16.  |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; McKee J (2018) 'Safeguarding Staff's Experience of Cases of Financial Abuse'. British Journal of Social Work 48 (4) :924-942.  |
Dr Catherine Redmond |
Redmond C; Davies C; Halligan P; Joye R; Carroll L; Frawley T (2018) 'Nursing and midwifery students’ perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study'. Nurse Education Today 65 :242-249.  |
Redmond C; Davies C; Cornally D; Adam E; Daly O; Fegan M; O'Toole M (2018) 'Using reusable learning objects (RLOs) in wound care education: Undergraduate student nurse's evaluation of their learning gain'. Nurse Education Today 60 :3-10.  |
Meskell, M, Davies, C, Redmond, C (2018) 'Using an automated response system as a pedagogical strategy to enhance Anatomy & Physiology teaching in an undergraduate nursing curriculum.'. Journal of Anatomy 232 (2) :304-355 |
Ms Freda Ryan |
Ryder M; Browne F; Galvin C; Leonard O; O'Reilly J (2018) 'Fit for purpose? Evaluation of CPD courses for nurses in an Irish university teaching hospital'. British Journal of Nursing 27 (8) :434-441.  |
Ms Mary Ryder |
Ryder M; Browne F; Galvin C; Leonard O; O'Reilly J (2018) 'Fit for purpose? Evaluation of CPD courses for nurses in an Irish university teaching hospital'. British Journal of Nursing 27 (8) :434-441.  |
Assoc Professor Ann Sheridan |
Renwick L; Drennan J; Sheridan A; Owens L; Lyne J; O'Donoghue B; Kinsella A; Turner N; O'Callaghan E; Clarke M (2017) 'Subjective and objective quality of life at first presentation with psychosis'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 11 (5) :401-410.  |
Sheridan A; O’Keeffe D; Coughlan B; Frazer K; Drennan J; Kemple M (2018) 'Friendship and money: A qualitative study of service users’ experiences of participating in a supported socialisation programme'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 64 (4) :326-334.  |
O’Keeffe D; Sheridan A; Kelly A; Doyle R; Madigan K; Lawlor E; Clarke M (2018) '‘Recovery’ in the Real World: Service User Experiences of Mental Health Service Use and Recommendations for Change 20 Years on from a First Episode Psychosis'. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 45 (4) :635-648.  |
Doyle R; Behan C; O'Keeffe D; Masterson S; Kinsella A; Kelly A; Sheridan A; Keating D; Hynes C; Madigan K (2017) 'Clozapine Use in a Cohort of First-Episode Psychosis'. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 37 (5) :512-517.  |
Renwick L; Drennan J; Sheridan A; Lyne J; Kinsella A; O' Callaghan E; Clarke M (2018) 'Disagreement between service-users and clinicians assessment of physical health during early psychosis.'. Early intervention in psychiatry .  |
Renwick L; Owens L; Lyne J; O'Donoghue B; Roche E; Drennan J; Sheridan A; Pilling M; O'Callaghan E; Clarke M (2017) 'Predictors of change in social networks, support and satisfaction following a first episode psychosis: A cohort study'. International Journal of Nursing Studies 76 :28-35.  |
Sheridan A, O'Keefe D, Coughlan B, Frazer K, Drennan J, Kemple M. (2018) 'Friendship and money: A qualitative study of service users' experiences of participating in a supported socialisation programme'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry :1-9.  |
Dr Rita Smith |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Cashin A; Smith R; O'Brien D; Nicholson E; O'Leary D; Fealy G; McNamara M; Glasgow ME (2017) 'An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review'. Nurse Education Today 56 :35-40.  |
O'Connor L; Casey M; Smith R; Fealy GM; Brien DO; O'Leary D; Stokes D; McNamara MS; Glasgow ME; Cashin A (2018) 'The universal, collaborative and dynamic model of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice: A way forward?'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (43256) :e882-e894.  |
Casey M; O'Connor L; Nicholson E; Smith R; O'Brien D; O'Leary D; Fealy GM; Mcnamara MS; Stokes D; Egan C (2017) 'The perceptions of key stakeholders of the roles of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (12) :3007-3016.  |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2018) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management .  |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hall P; Hyde A; O'Connor L (2017) '‘Betwixt and between health and illness’ – women's narratives following acute coronary syndrome'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 26 (21-22) :3457-3470.  |
Dr Suja Somanadhan |
Parshuram CS; Dryden-Palmer K; Farrell C; Gottesman R; Gray M; Hutchison JS; Helfaer M; Hunt EA; Joffe AR; Lacroix J (2018) 'Effect of a pediatric early warning system on all-cause mortality in Hospitalized pediatric patients: The epoch randomized clinical trial'. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 319 (10) :1002-1012.  |
Dr Marie Ward |
McAuliffe E; De Brún A; Ward M; O'Shea M; Cunningham U; O'Donovan R; McGinley S; Fitzsimons J; Corrigan S; McDonald N (2017) 'Collective leadership and safety cultures (Co-Lead): Protocol for a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of the impact of a co-designed collective leadership intervention on team performance and safety culture in a hospital group in Ireland'. BMJ Open 7 (11).  |
Ward ME; Brún AD; Beirne D; Conway C; Cunningham U; English A; Fitzsimons J; Furlong E; Kane Y; Kelly A (2018) 'Using co-design to develop a collective leadership intervention for healthcare teams to improve safety culture'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (6).  |
Cunningham U; Ward ME; De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Team interventions in acute hospital contexts: A systematic search of the literature using realist synthesis'. BMC Health Services Research 18 (1).  |
Coughlan E; Geary U; Wakai A; O'Sullivan R; Browne J; McAuliffe E; Ward M; McDaid F; Deasy C (2017) 'An introduction to the Emergency Department Adult Clinical Escalation protocol: ED-ACE'. Emergency Medicine Journal 34 (9) :608-612.  |
Corrigan S; Kay A; Ryan M; Brazil B; Ward ME (2018) 'Human factors & safety culture: Challenges & opportunities for the port environment'. Safety Science .  |
Corrigan S; Kay A; Ryan M; Ward ME; Brazil B (2018) 'Human factors and safety culture: Challenges and opportunities for the port environment'. Safety Science .  |