Dr Sabrina Anjara |
Van Bortel T; Martin S; Anjara S; Nellums LB (2019) 'Perceived stressors and coping mechanisms of female migrant domestic workers in Singapore.'. PloS one 14 (3) :e0210717. |
Assoc Professor Mary Casey |
Casey M; O' Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O' Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O' Leary D; Glasgow M (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced practice in nursing and midwifery: Findings from a qualitative study'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Cocoman A; Casey M (2019) 'Raising awareness of metabolic syndrome in people treated with typical long-acting injectable antipsychotic medications in an Irish community mental health setting'. Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal |
Fealy G; Hegarty JM; McNamara M; Casey M; O'Leary D; Kennedy C; O'Reilly P; O'Connell R; Brady AM; Nicholson E (2018) 'Discursive constructions of professional identity in policy and regulatory discourse'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (9) :2157-2166. |
Fealy GM; Casey M; O'Leary DF; McNamara MS; O'Brien D; O'Connor L; Smith R; Stokes D (2018) 'Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (19-20) :3797-3809. |
Kennedy C; O’Reilly P; O’Connell R; O’Leary D; Fealy G; Hegarty JM; Brady AM; Nicholson E; McNamara M; Casey M (2019) 'Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policymaking and analysis in health care'. Journal of Advanced Nursing  |
O'Brien D; Casey M; Butler MM (2018) 'Women's experiences of exercising informed choices as expressed through their sense of self and relationships with others in Ireland: A participatory action research study'. Midwifery 65 :58-66. |
Dr Michael Connolly |
Connolly M; Charnley K; Collins R; Barry C; McIlfatrick S; Larkin P; Brenner M; Johnston B (2018) 'Evaluating an educational programme for dignity care intervention with community nurses in Ireland'. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 24 (10) :474-481. |
Connolly M; McLean S; Guerin S; Walsh G; Barrett A; Ryan K (2018) 'Development and Initial Psychometric Properties of a Questionnaire to Assess Competence in Palliative Care: Palliative Care Competence Framework Questionnaire'. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 35 (10) :1304-1308. |
Hayden K; Connolly M (2018) 'Knowledge of Palliative Radiation Therapy Amongst Oncology and Palliative Care Nurses'. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 102 (3) :E729-E729. |
Dr Barbara Coughlan |
Agwu Kalu F; Coughlan B; Larkin P (2018) 'A mixed methods sequential explanatory study of the psychosocial factors that impact on midwives’ confidence to provide bereavement support to parents who have experienced a perinatal loss.'. Midwifery 64 :69-76. |
Doherty J; Cullen S; Casey B; Lloyd B; Sheehy L; Brosnan M; Barry T; McMahon A; Coughlan B (2018) 'Bereavement care education and training in clinical practice: Supporting the development of confidence in student midwives'. Midwifery 66 :1-9. |
Kalu FA; Larkin P; Coughlan B (2019) 'Development, validation and reliability testing of ‘Perinatal Bereavement Care Confidence Scale (PBCCS)’'. Women and Birth  |
McAuliffe F; O'Brien E; O'Reilly S; Sheehy L; O'Hagan L; McGuinness D; Coughlan B; O'Brien D; Murtagh R; Corbett M (2019) 'LatchOn: A multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of perinatal support to improve breastfeeding outcomes in women with overweight and obesity'. Archives of Disease in Childhood 104;A359 :514-514. |
Dr Carmel Davies |
Donnell DO; Shé ÉN; Davies C; Fattori F; Donnelly S; O’Shea M; Flynn Á; Rock B; Prihodova L; Gleeson C (2018) '64Initial Programme Theories of Mechanisms that Support the Implementation of Assisted Decision-Making with Older People in the Acute Setting'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'.  |
O'Donnell D; Davies C; Fattori F; Donnelly S; Ní Shé E; O'Shea M; Cooney MT; O'Coimín D; Kroll T (2019) 'Implementing Assisted Decision-making in Healthcare in Ireland: Understanding Enablers, Barriers and Context from the perspective of patients and healthcare professionals'. International Journal of Integrated Care 19 (4) :66-66. |
O'Donnell D; Davies C; Frattori F; Donnelly S; Ni Shé E; O'Shea M; Cooney MT; O'Coimin D; Kroll T (2019) 'Implementing Assisted Decision-making in Healthcare in Ireland: Understanding Enablers, Barriers and Context from the perspective of patients and healthcare professionals'. International Journal of Integrated Care  |
Dr Aoife De Brún |
Creed M; McGuirk M; Buckley R; De Brún A; Kilduff M (2019) 'Using Lean Six Sigma to Improve Controlled Drug Processes and Release Nursing Time'. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 34 (3) :236-241. |
De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Recruitment of healthcare staff to social network studies: A case study exploring experiences, challenges, and considerations'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (12)  |
De Brún A; O'Donovan R; McAuliffe E (2019) 'Interventions to develop collectivistic leadership in healthcare settings: A systematic review'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Frawley T; Meehan A; De Brún A (2018) 'Impact of organisational change for leaders in mental health'. Journal of Health Organization and Management 32 (8) :980-1001. |
Heavey E; Waring J; De Brún A; Dawson P; Scott J (2019) 'Patients’ Conceptualizations of Responsibility for Healthcare: A Typology for Understanding Differing Attributions in the Context of Patient Safety'. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 60 (2) :188-203. |
Scott J; Heavey E; Waring J; De Brún A; Dawson P (2019) 'Implementing a survey for patients to provide safety experience feedback following a care transition: A feasibility study'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Ward M; Ní Shé É; De Brún A; Korpos C; Hamza M; Burke E; Duffy A; Egan K; Geary U; Holland C (2019) 'The co-design, implementation and evaluation of a serious board game 'PlayDecide patient safety' to educate junior doctors about patient safety and the importance of reporting safety concerns'. BMC Medical Education 19 (1)  |
Mr Francesco Fattori |
Aresi G; Fattori F; Pozzi M; Moore SC (2018) 'I am going to make the most out of it! Italian university Credit Mobility Students' social representations of alcohol use during study abroad experiences.'. Journal of health psychology 23 (13) :1649-1658. |
Donnell DO; Shé ÉN; Davies C; Fattori F; Donnelly S; O’Shea M; Flynn Á; Rock B; Prihodova L; Gleeson C (2018) '64Initial Programme Theories of Mechanisms that Support the Implementation of Assisted Decision-Making with Older People in the Acute Setting'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Fattori F; O'Donnell D; Rodríguez-Martín B; Kroll T (2019) 'Which instruments are used to measure shared, supported and assisted healthcare decision-making between patients who have limited, impaired or fluctuating capacity, their family carers and healthcare professionals? A systematic review protocol'.  |
Professor Gerard Fealy |
Casey M; O' Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O' Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O' Leary D; Glasgow M (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced practice in nursing and midwifery: Findings from a qualitative study'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Fealy G; Donnelly S; Doyle G; Brenner M; Hughes M; Mylotte E; Nicholson E; Zaki M (2019) 'Clinical handover practices among healthcare practitioners in acute care services: A qualitative study'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 28 (43497) :80-88. |
Fealy G; Hegarty JM; McNamara M; Casey M; O'Leary D; Kennedy C; O'Reilly P; O'Connell R; Brady AM; Nicholson E (2018) 'Discursive constructions of professional identity in policy and regulatory discourse'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (9) :2157-2166. |
Fealy GM; Casey M; O'Leary DF; McNamara MS; O'Brien D; O'Connor L; Smith R; Stokes D (2018) 'Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (19-20) :3797-3809. |
Kennedy C; O’Reilly P; O’Connell R; O’Leary D; Fealy G; Hegarty JM; Brady AM; Nicholson E; McNamara M; Casey M (2019) 'Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policymaking and analysis in health care'. Journal of Advanced Nursing  |
Lafferty A; Phillips D; Paul G; Fealy G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Duffy C; Moloney B; Kroll T (2019) 'Stage 1 Registered Report: A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on family carers who combine work with care'.  |
O'Brien SG; Carton EG; Fealy GM (2019) 'Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life After Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.'. ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)  |
Phelan A; Duggan A; O'Donnell D; Fealy G (2018) 'Evaluating a Consumer Directed Home care (CDHC) Pilot for Older People in the Community'. Age and Ageing 47 (5) :v13-v60. |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Mary F; Nicholson E; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Feasibility of a Resilience-Enhancing Resource for Family Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (12) :1582-1595. |
Dr Patricia Fox |
Furlong E; Darley A; Fox P; Buick A; Kotronoulas G; Miller M; Flowerday A; Miaskowski C; Patiraki E; Katsaragakis S (2019) 'Adaptation and implementation of a mobile phone-based remote symptom monitoring system for people with cancer in Europe'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (3)  |
Papachristou N; Puschmann D; Barnaghi P; Cooper B; Hu X; Maguire R; Apostolidis K; Conley YP; Hammer M; Katsaragakis S (2018) 'Learning from data to predict future symptoms of oncology patients'. PLoS ONE 13 (12)  |
Dr Timothy Frawley |
Frawley T; Meehan A; De Brún A (2018) 'Impact of organisational change for leaders in mental health'. Journal of Health Organization and Management 32 (8) :980-1001. |
Dr Kate Frazer |
Frazer K (2019) 'Comparative Public Policy'. Perspectives in Public Health 139 (1) :59-59. |
Frazer K (2019) 'Health checks have a limited effect on reducing morbidity and mortality in asymptomatic populations'. Evidence-Based Nursing  |
Frazer K (2019) 'Increased intake of omega-3 fatty during pregnancy can reduce preterm births'. Evidence-Based Nursing  |
Frazer K (2019) 'Parenting intervention programmes during childhood can improve health outcomes for black and rural communities'. Evidence-Based Nursing 22 (3) :92. |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hyde A; O'Connor L; Davidson P (2018) '“Heart disease never entered my head”: Women's understanding of coronary heart disease risk factors'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (21-22) :3953-3967. |
Dr Eileen Furlong |
Furlong E; Darley A; Fox P; Buick A; Kotronoulas G; Miller M; Flowerday A; Miaskowski C; Patiraki E; Katsaragakis S (2019) 'Adaptation and implementation of a mobile phone-based remote symptom monitoring system for people with cancer in Europe'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (3)  |
Papachristou N; Puschmann D; Barnaghi P; Cooper B; Hu X; Maguire R; Apostolidis K; Conley YP; Hammer M; Katsaragakis S (2018) 'Learning from data to predict future symptoms of oncology patients'. PLoS ONE 13 (12)  |
Dr Phil Halligan |
Butler M; Schultz TJ; Halligan P; Sheridan A; Kinsman L; Rotter T; Beaumier J; Kelly RG; Drennan J (2019) 'Hospital nurse-staffing models and patient-and staff-related outcomes (Review)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (4)  |
Halligan P; Martyn K; Pace K; Pace K; Gee N (2019) 'Universal Design for Learning to support nursing students: Experiences in the Field'. The Ahead Journal (9) :1-14. |
Professor Abbey Hyde |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hyde A; O'Connor L; Davidson P (2018) '“Heart disease never entered my head”: Women's understanding of coronary heart disease risk factors'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (21-22) :3953-3967. |
Professor Thilo Kroll |
Alhusein N; Killick K; Macaden L; Smith A; Stoddart K; Taylor A; Kroll T; Watson MC (2019) '“We're really not ready for this”: A qualitative exploration of community pharmacy personnel's perspectives on the pharmaceutical care of older people with sensory impairment'. Disability and Health Journal 12 (2) :242-248. |
Donnell DO; Shé ÉN; Davies C; Fattori F; Donnelly S; O’Shea M; Flynn Á; Rock B; Prihodova L; Gleeson C (2018) '64Initial Programme Theories of Mechanisms that Support the Implementation of Assisted Decision-Making with Older People in the Acute Setting'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Fattori F; O'Donnell D; Rodríguez-Martín B; Kroll T (2019) 'Which instruments are used to measure shared, supported and assisted healthcare decision-making between patients who have limited, impaired or fluctuating capacity, their family carers and healthcare professionals? A systematic review protocol'.  |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'.  |
Fulford H; McSwiggan L; Kroll T; MacGillivray S (2019) 'Exploring the use of mobile information and communication technologies by people with mood disorders'. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing  |
Hunt K; Bernal J; Worth R; Shearn J; Jarvis P; Jones E; Lowe K; Madden P; Barr O; Forrester-Jones R (2019) 'End-of-life care in intellectual disability: A retrospective cross-sectional study'. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care  |
Killick K; Macaden L; Smith A; Kroll T; Stoddart K; Watson MC (2018) 'A scoping review of the pharmaceutical care needs of people with sensory loss'. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 26 (5) :380-386. |
Lafferty A; Phillips D; Paul G; Fealy G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Duffy C; Moloney B; Kroll T (2019) 'Stage 1 Registered Report: A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on family carers who combine work with care'.  |
Morris JH; Kelly C; Joice S; Kroll T; Mead G; Donnan P; Toma M; Williams B (2019) 'Art participation for psychosocial wellbeing during stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility randomised controlled trial'. Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (1) :9-18. |
Ní Shé É; Morton S; Lambert V; Ní Cheallaigh C; Lacey V; Dunn E; Loughnane C; O'Connor J; McCann A; Adshead M (2019) 'Clarifying the mechanisms and resources that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research: A collaborative rapid realist review process'. Health Expectations 22 (3) :298-306. |
O'Donnell D; Davies C; Frattori F; Donnelly S; Ni Shé E; O'Shea M; Cooney MT; O'Coimin D; Kroll T (2019) 'Implementing Assisted Decision-making in Healthcare in Ireland: Understanding Enablers, Barriers and Context from the perspective of patients and healthcare professionals'. International Journal of Integrated Care  |
Dr Attracta Lafferty |
Lafferty A; Phillips D; Paul G; Fealy G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Duffy C; Moloney B; Kroll T (2019) 'Stage 1 Registered Report: A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on family carers who combine work with care'.  |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Mary F; Nicholson E; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Feasibility of a Resilience-Enhancing Resource for Family Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (12) :1582-1595. |
Ms Barbara Lloyd Shanahan |
Doherty J; Cullen S; Casey B; Lloyd B; Sheehy L; Brosnan M; Barry T; McMahon A; Coughlan B (2018) 'Bereavement care education and training in clinical practice: Supporting the development of confidence in student midwives'. Midwifery 66 :1-9. |
Assoc Professor Hasheem Mannan |
Munthali AC; Swartz L; Mannan H; MacLachlan M; Chilimampunga C; Makupe C (2019) '“This one will delay us”: barriers to accessing health care services among persons with disabilities in Malawi'. Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (6) :683-690. |
O'Donovan MA; Mannan H; McVeigh J; Mc Carron M; McCallion P; Byrne E (2018) 'Core Human Rights Concepts in Irish Health and Housing Policy Documents: In Search of Equity for People With ID'. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 15 (4) :307-313. |
O'Donovan M-A; McCallion P; McCarron M; Lynch L; Mannan H; Byrne E (2019) 'A narrative synthesis scoping review of life course domains within health service utilisation frameworks'. HRB Open Research 2 :6-6. |
Power J; Gilmore B; Vallières F; Toomey E; Mannan H; McAuliffe E (2019) 'Adapting health interventions for local fit when scaling-up: A realist review protocol'. BMJ Open 9 (1)  |
Professor Eilish McAuliffe |
De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2018) 'Recruitment of healthcare staff to social network studies: A case study exploring experiences, challenges, and considerations'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (12)  |
De Brún A; O'Donovan R; McAuliffe E (2019) 'Interventions to develop collectivistic leadership in healthcare settings: A systematic review'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'.  |
Gilmore B; McAuliffe E; Power J; Vallières F (2019) 'Data Analysis and Synthesis Within a Realist Evaluation: Toward More Transparent Methodological Approaches'. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 18  |
Gray S; Hervas JA; Dooley J; Kileen J; Donohoe C; O’Donnell D; Shé ÉN; McAuliffe E; Collins O; Hughes G (2018) '164Delivering on Patient Centred Outcomes: The Case for intentional Rounding'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v1-v12. |
O’Donnell D; Shé ÉN; McCarthy M; Doran T; Donnellan A; Ruane P; Savin B; Smith F; Milton J; O’Brien B (2018) '44The Three Ps of Co-Designing Person-Centred Care for Frail Older People in Acute Care Settings: Public, Patient and Practitioner Involvement'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Mary F; Nicholson E; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Feasibility of a Resilience-Enhancing Resource for Family Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Power J; Gilmore B; Vallières F; Toomey E; Mannan H; McAuliffe E (2019) 'Adapting health interventions for local fit when scaling-up: A realist review protocol'. BMJ Open 9 (1)  |
Shé ÉN; Keoghan F; McAuliffe E; O’Shea D; McCarthy M; McNamara R; Cooney MT (2018) '34What Works in Implementing a Frail Older Person’s Pathway? A Rapid Realist Review of the Literature'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (12) :1582-1595. |
Vallières F; Hyland P; McAuliffe E; Mahmud I; Tulloch O; Walker P; Taegtmeyer M (2018) 'A new tool to measure approaches to supervision from the perspective of community health workers: A prospective, longitudinal, validation study in seven countries'. BMC Health Services Research 18 (1)  |
Ward M; McAuliffe E; Fitzsimons J; O'Donovan R (2019) 'Informing healthcare team performance: Integrating data to improve Quality and Safety'. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation 8 (1) :53-56. |
Ward M; Ní Shé É; De Brún A; Korpos C; Hamza M; Burke E; Duffy A; Egan K; Geary U; Holland C (2019) 'The co-design, implementation and evaluation of a serious board game 'PlayDecide patient safety' to educate junior doctors about patient safety and the importance of reporting safety concerns'. BMC Medical Education 19 (1)  |
Ward ME; Wakai A; McDowell R; Boland F; Coughlan E; Hamza M; Browne J; O’Sullivan R; Geary U; McDaid F (2019) 'Developing outcome, process and balancing measures for an emergency department longitudinal patient monitoring system using a modified Delphi'. BMC Emergency Medicine 19 (1)  |
Dr Therese McDonnell |
Bailhache M; Doyle O; Salmi LR; McDonnell T (2019) 'Does maternal attachment to her infant mediate the link between perceptions of infant crying at 6 months and parenting stress at 24 months? A structural equation modelling approach'. Child: Care, Health and Development 45 (4) :540-550. |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; Hamza M; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Charlton M; Collins C; Deasy C; De Brun A (2019) 'Factors that influence family and parental preferences and decision making for unscheduled paediatric healthcare: a systematic review protocol'. HRB Open Research 2 :11-11. |
Professor Martin McNamara |
Casey M; O' Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O' Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O' Leary D; Glasgow M (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced practice in nursing and midwifery: Findings from a qualitative study'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Fealy G; Hegarty JM; McNamara M; Casey M; O'Leary D; Kennedy C; O'Reilly P; O'Connell R; Brady AM; Nicholson E (2018) 'Discursive constructions of professional identity in policy and regulatory discourse'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (9) :2157-2166. |
Fealy GM; Casey M; O'Leary DF; McNamara MS; O'Brien D; O'Connor L; Smith R; Stokes D (2018) 'Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (19-20) :3797-3809. |
Kennedy C; O’Reilly P; O’Connell R; O’Leary D; Fealy G; Hegarty JM; Brady AM; Nicholson E; McNamara M; Casey M (2019) 'Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policymaking and analysis in health care'. Journal of Advanced Nursing  |
Dr Éidín Ní Shé |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'.  |
Gray S; Hervas JA; Dooley J; Kileen J; Donohoe C; O’Donnell D; Shé ÉN; McAuliffe E; Collins O; Hughes G (2018) '164Delivering on Patient Centred Outcomes: The Case for intentional Rounding'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v1-v12. |
Ní Shé É; Morton S; Lambert V; Ní Cheallaigh C; Lacey V; Dunn E; Loughnane C; O'Connor J; McCann A; Adshead M (2019) 'Clarifying the mechanisms and resources that enable the reciprocal involvement of seldom heard groups in health and social care research: A collaborative rapid realist review process'. Health Expectations 22 (3) :298-306. |
O’Donnell D; Shé ÉN; McCarthy M; Doran T; Donnellan A; Ruane P; Savin B; Smith F; Milton J; O’Brien B (2018) '44The Three Ps of Co-Designing Person-Centred Care for Frail Older People in Acute Care Settings: Public, Patient and Practitioner Involvement'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Shé ÉN (2019) 'Ethics in participatory research for health and well-being: cases and commentaries'. Community Development Journal  |
Shé ÉN; Keoghan F; McAuliffe E; O’Shea D; McCarthy M; McNamara R; Cooney MT (2018) '34What Works in Implementing a Frail Older Person’s Pathway? A Rapid Realist Review of the Literature'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Ward M; Ní Shé É; De Brún A; Korpos C; Hamza M; Burke E; Duffy A; Egan K; Geary U; Holland C (2019) 'The co-design, implementation and evaluation of a serious board game 'PlayDecide patient safety' to educate junior doctors about patient safety and the importance of reporting safety concerns'. BMC Medical Education 19 (1)  |
Ward ME; Wakai A; McDowell R; Boland F; Coughlan E; Hamza M; Browne J; O’Sullivan R; Geary U; McDaid F (2019) 'Developing outcome, process and balancing measures for an emergency department longitudinal patient monitoring system using a modified Delphi'. BMC Emergency Medicine 19 (1)  |
Dr Emma Nicholson |
Fealy G; Donnelly S; Doyle G; Brenner M; Hughes M; Mylotte E; Nicholson E; Zaki M (2019) 'Clinical handover practices among healthcare practitioners in acute care services: A qualitative study'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 28 (43497) :80-88. |
Fealy G; Hegarty JM; McNamara M; Casey M; O'Leary D; Kennedy C; O'Reilly P; O'Connell R; Brady AM; Nicholson E (2018) 'Discursive constructions of professional identity in policy and regulatory discourse'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 74 (9) :2157-2166. |
Guerin S; Nicholson E; Keogh F; Dodd P (2019) 'Staff and family views of alternative respite services for adults with intellectual disabilities–aims, outcomes and experiences'. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities  |
Kennedy C; O’Reilly P; O’Connell R; O’Leary D; Fealy G; Hegarty JM; Brady AM; Nicholson E; McNamara M; Casey M (2019) 'Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policymaking and analysis in health care'. Journal of Advanced Nursing  |
Nicholson E; Guerin S; Keogh F; Dodd P (2019) 'Comparing Traditional-Residential, Personalised Residential and Personalised Non-Residential respite services: Quality of life findings from an Irish population with mild–moderate intellectual disabilities'. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 47 (1) :12-18. |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; Hamza M; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Charlton M; Collins C; Deasy C; De Brun A (2019) 'Factors that influence family and parental preferences and decision making for unscheduled paediatric healthcare: a systematic review protocol'. HRB Open Research 2 :11-11. |
Nicholson E; Murphy T; Larkin P; Normand C; Guerin S (2019) 'Findings From a Thematic Synthesis of Key Messages From a Palliative Care Research Network: The KINDLE Project'. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 36 (3) :241-248. |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Mary F; Nicholson E; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Feasibility of a Resilience-Enhancing Resource for Family Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Dr Denise O'Brien |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Fealy GM; Casey M; O'Leary DF; McNamara MS; O'Brien D; O'Connor L; Smith R; Stokes D (2018) 'Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (19-20) :3797-3809. |
McAuliffe F; O'Brien E; O'Reilly S; Sheehy L; O'Hagan L; McGuinness D; Coughlan B; O'Brien D; Murtagh R; Corbett M (2019) 'LatchOn: A multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of perinatal support to improve breastfeeding outcomes in women with overweight and obesity'. Archives of Disease in Childhood 104;A359 :514-514. |
O'Brien D; Casey M; Butler MM (2018) 'Women's experiences of exercising informed choices as expressed through their sense of self and relationships with others in Ireland: A participatory action research study'. Midwifery 65 :58-66. |
Laserina O'Connor |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Duignan M; Gibbons L; O'Connor L; Denning R; Honari B; McKenna K (2018) 'GPs' opinions of discharge summaries generated by advanced nurse practitioners in emergency care settings'. Emergency Nurse 26 (4)  |
Fealy GM; Casey M; O'Leary DF; McNamara MS; O'Brien D; O'Connor L; Smith R; Stokes D (2018) 'Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (19-20) :3797-3809. |
Murphy F; Doody O; Lyons R; Brenner M; O’Connor L; Hunter A; Devane D; Sezgin D (2019) 'A guidance framework to aid in the selection of nursing and midwifery care process metrics and indicators'. Nursing Open 6 (3) :948-958. |
O'Connor L; Carpenter B; O'Connor C; O'Driscoll J (2018) 'An interprofessional learning experience for trainee general practitioners in an academic urban minor injuries unit with advanced nurse practitioners (Emergency)'. International Emergency Nursing 41 :19-24. |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hyde A; O'Connor L; Davidson P (2018) '“Heart disease never entered my head”: Women's understanding of coronary heart disease risk factors'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (21-22) :3953-3967. |
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell |
Donnell DO; Shé ÉN; Davies C; Fattori F; Donnelly S; O’Shea M; Flynn Á; Rock B; Prihodova L; Gleeson C (2018) '64Initial Programme Theories of Mechanisms that Support the Implementation of Assisted Decision-Making with Older People in the Acute Setting'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Fattori F; O'Donnell D; Rodríguez-Martín B; Kroll T (2019) 'Which instruments are used to measure shared, supported and assisted healthcare decision-making between patients who have limited, impaired or fluctuating capacity, their family carers and healthcare professionals? A systematic review protocol'.  |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'.  |
Gray S; Hervas JA; Dooley J; Kileen J; Donohoe C; O’Donnell D; Shé ÉN; McAuliffe E; Collins O; Hughes G (2018) '164Delivering on Patient Centred Outcomes: The Case for intentional Rounding'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v1-v12. |
Macdonald SH-F; Egan K; Ní Shé É; O'Donnell D; McAuliffe E (2019) 'The PlayDecide Patient Safety game: A “serious game” to discuss medical professionalism in relation to patient safety'. International Journal of Integrated Care 19 (4) :105-105. |
O'Donnell D; Davies C; Frattori F; Donnelly S; Ni Shé E; O'Shea M; Cooney MT; O'Coimin D; Kroll T (2019) 'Implementing Assisted Decision-making in Healthcare in Ireland: Understanding Enablers, Barriers and Context from the perspective of patients and healthcare professionals'. International Journal of Integrated Care  |
O’Donnell D; Shé ÉN; McCarthy M; Doran T; Donnellan A; Ruane P; Savin B; Smith F; Milton J; O’Brien B (2018) '44The Three Ps of Co-Designing Person-Centred Care for Frail Older People in Acute Care Settings: Public, Patient and Practitioner Involvement'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Phelan A; Duggan A; O'Donnell D; Fealy G (2018) 'Evaluating a Consumer Directed Home care (CDHC) Pilot for Older People in the Community'. Age and Ageing 47 (5) :v13-v60. |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; O'Donnell D (2018) 'Bank Staff's Experiences of Financial Abuse of Older People'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Dr Carla O'Neill |
O'Neill C; O'Neill CS; Semple C (2019) 'Children Navigating Parental Cancer: Outcomes of a Psychosocial Intervention.'. Comprehensive child and adolescent nursing :1-17. |
Dr Gillian Paul |
Lafferty A; Phillips D; Paul G; Fealy G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Duffy C; Moloney B; Kroll T (2019) 'Stage 1 Registered Report: A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on family carers who combine work with care'.  |
Assoc Professor Amanda Phelan |
Gewirtz-Meydan A; Hafford-Letchfield T; Ayalon L; Benyamini Y; Biermann V; Coffey A; Jackson J; Phelan A; Voß P; Geiger Zeman M (2019) 'How do older people discuss their own sexuality? A systematic review of qualitative research studies'. Culture, Health and Sexuality 21 (3) :293-308. |
Phelan A (2018) 'The role of the nurse in detecting elder abuse and neglect'. Nursing Research & Reviews 8 :15-22. |
Phelan A; Duggan A; Donnell DO; Fealy G (2018) '21Evaluating a Consumer Directed Health Care (CDHC) Pilot for Older People in the Community'. Age and Ageing 47 (suppl_5) :v13-v60. |
Phelan A; Duggan A; O'Donnell D; Fealy G (2018) 'Evaluating a Consumer Directed Home care (CDHC) Pilot for Older People in the Community'. Age and Ageing 47 (5) :v13-v60. |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; Mary F; Nicholson E; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Feasibility of a Resilience-Enhancing Resource for Family Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Phelan A; McCarthy S; O'Donnell D (2018) 'Bank Staff's Experiences of Financial Abuse of Older People'. Age and Ageing 47 (Supp 5) :v1-v12. |
Teahan Á; Lafferty A; McAuliffe E; Phelan A; O'Sullivan L; O'Shea D; Fealy G (2018) 'Resilience in family caregiving for people with dementia: A systematic review'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 33 (12) :1582-1595. |
Ms Dominique Phillips |
Lafferty A; Phillips D; Paul G; Fealy G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Duffy C; Moloney B; Kroll T (2019) 'Stage 1 Registered Report: A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on family carers who combine work with care'.  |
Ms Mary Ryder |
Ryder M; Jacob E; Hendricks J (2019) 'An inductive qualitative approach to explore Nurse Practitioners views on leadership and research: An international perspective'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 28 (13-14) :2644-2658. |
Sobanski PZ; Alt-Epping B; Currow DC; Goodlin SJ; Grodzicki T; Hogg K; Janssen DJA; Johnson MJ; Krajnik M; Leget C (2019) 'Palliative Care for people living with heart failure - European Association for Palliative Care Task Force expert position statement.'. Cardiovascular research  |
Assoc Professor Ann Sheridan |
Butler M; Schultz TJ; Halligan P; Sheridan A; Kinsman L; Rotter T; Beaumier J; Kelly RG; Drennan J (2019) 'Hospital nurse-staffing models and patient-and staff-related outcomes (Review)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (4)  |
Doyle R; O’Keeffe D; Hannigan A; Kinsella A; Behan C; Kelly A; Sheridan A; Madigan K; Lawlor E; Clarke M (2019) 'The iHOPE-20 study: mortality in first episode psychosis—a 20-year follow-up of the Dublin first episode cohort'. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology  |
O’Keeffe D; Hannigan A; Doyle R; Kinsella A; Sheridan A; Kelly A; Madigan K; Lawlor E; Clarke M (2019) 'The iHOPE-20 study: Relationships between and prospective predictors of remission, clinical recovery, personal recovery and resilience 20 years on from a first episode psychosis'. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry  |
Renwick L; Drennan J; Sheridan A; Lyne J; Kinsella A; O’ Callaghan E; Clarke M (2019) 'Disagreement between service-users and clinicians assessment of physical health during early psychosis'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 13 (2) :314-317. |
Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Cunningham C; Sheridan A; Probst M; Lennon O (2019) 'Psychological distress in patients attending physiotherapy. A survey based investigation of current practice and opinion of Irish physiotherapists'. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada |
Dr Rita Smith |
Casey M; O' Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O' Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O' Leary D; Glasgow M (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced practice in nursing and midwifery: Findings from a qualitative study'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Casey M; O’Connor L; Cashin A; Fealy G; Smith R; O’Brien D; Stokes D; McNamara M; O’Leary D; Glasgow ME (2019) 'Enablers and challenges to advanced nursing and midwifery practice roles'. Journal of Nursing Management 27 (2) :271-277. |
Fealy GM; Casey M; O'Leary DF; McNamara MS; O'Brien D; O'Connor L; Smith R; Stokes D (2018) 'Developing and sustaining specialist and advanced practice roles in nursing and midwifery: A discourse on enablers and barriers'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (19-20) :3797-3809. |
Smith R; Frazer K; Hyde A; O'Connor L; Davidson P (2018) '“Heart disease never entered my head”: Women's understanding of coronary heart disease risk factors'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27 (21-22) :3953-3967. |