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Observational Study

Friday, 17 August, 2018

The sugar tax challenge is designed to evaluate the recently implemented tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB). Students who take part in this programme will become citizen scientists and learn several valuable competencies and skills, including; team-working, leadership, and communication skills, as well as developing an understanding of data collection protocols, scientific research, and patterns of critical thinking.

In order for participants to acquire these competencies and skills, members of a research team from UCD and RCSI have designed two 13-week programmes of activities for students. The first of these programmes (Part 1) is the 'Observational Study', which will involve Gaisce participants collecting socio-environmental data from their school peers and/or local community via an observational and psychological survey. 

Click the downloadable links below for access to the background information on the sugar tax, the observational study work plan, a 13-week timetable (Gant Chart), step-by-step instructions on how to conduct the research, and the data collection materials required for analysis.

Here is the link for the online survey. When advertising this survey, participants can go to this UCD-Gaisce website and get access via this link.

(opens in a new window)https://ucdbusiness.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9H0bb9LqBk94P2Z 

Alternatively, participants can scan barcode below

QR Barcode for advertisement

Contact UCD Sugar Tax

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: sugartaxucd@gmail.com