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EdTECx in action

EdTECx in action 2019

These series of workshops are aimed at faculty and teaching staff who will be using Brightspace to deliver modules in the upcoming academic year 2019/20.

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EdTECx in action Workshop Series

How to Design/Redesign your Module in Brightspace

Brightspace has the potential to enable a shift to a more interactive and contextualised and consistent presentation of modules across a programme. This provides a distinct opportunity to motivate students to engage at a deeper level with learning materials, activities and assessments and to reflectively participate in the learning experience. This workshop will guide attendees through the process of module design (re-design) in Brightspace. It will outline key design principles and guide how to use the key components to structure a module. It will provide practical advice and demonstrate how to build your module by presenting learning materials, activities and assessments in Brightspace. It is recommended in advance of attending this workshop participants familiarise themselves with key design principles, steps and guidance available via Module Design in Brightspace Guide

How to setup Assignments in Brightspace

This workshop will guide participants through the set-up of Assignments in Brightspace. Participants will first consider, in the light of the new Academic Regulations, the relationship between the assessment and the expected learning outcomes of students in their modules and we will then look together at the set up of an Assignment from scratch.

Using Brightspace Effectively to Provide Feedback to Students

Brightspace enables a range of feedback types on student learning. This workshop will demonstrate these options which include the provision of; text feedback on assignments, assignment annotations, feedback files and feedback by using the in-built options to directly record audio or video feedback.

Using Rubrics to efficiently provide feedback to large classes

A rubric is a tool, that includes descriptions and levels of performance, to enable the grading and the provision of feedback on students' work. One of the key reasons why you would use rubrics is to give feedback on learning. Rubrics are particularly useful to provide feedback efficiently to large classes. In addition rubrics can increase transparency and consistency in grading. In advance of this workshop it is recommended that attendees have some understanding of rubrics, please review An Introduction to Rubrics (Brightspace)

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University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777