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Workshop 3

Encouraging Self-care and Wellbeing: A Pilot Educational Module for First-year Veterinary Medicine Students in UCD

In response to concerns raised in a 2022 report commissioned by the Veterinary Council of Ireland regarding mental health and wellbeing within the veterinary profession, and recognising the growing stressors faced by students, we collaborated with researchers and government agencies to develop a pilot wellbeing programme. This initiative, which integrates evidence-based practices, was introduced into the first year veterinary medicine professionalism curriculum. The aim was to promote mental, emotional, and physical health among the UCD students, equipping them with essential skills for self-care and holistic wellbeing.  Additionally, it is supported by the implementation in UCD of the HEA National Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Framework (2020) in Ireland.

Attendees will explore the programme’s key components, including mindfulness exercises and resilience-building techniques, and they will be invited to co-create similar educational activities for their own contexts. Through interactive sessions, participants will engage in sample activities and discuss the programme’s impact on student wellbeing. Attendees will also review results data of analysis of surveys conducted with students both before and after completing the programme.

This workshop aims to inspire veterinary and other educators to prioritise student mental health within academic settings and offers insights into fostering a campus culture that nurtures both academic success, positive mental health and personal flourishing.


2021. O’Brien, D. Ni Dhalaigh, P. Corcoran, P. Dodd: Mental Health of Veterinary Professionals in Ireland. 2021. (opens in a new window)https://www.nsrf.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Mental-Health-of-Veterinary-Professionals-in-Ireland-Report-2022.pdf

Higher Education Authority, Ireland. (2020). National Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Framework. Available online at: (opens in a new window)https://hea.ie/assets/uploads/2020/10/HEA-NSMHS-Framework.pdf

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UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: sue.rackard@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)