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Page updated 19 September 2022

Join the campaign to raise awareness and promote an inclusive and respectful environment by using slogans created by UCD employees and students: 

Racism Stops with me. #UCDAgainstRacism

Celebrate Diversity. #UCDAgainstRacism

 Show your support and make the slogans visible.  

  1. Include one of the #UCDAgainstRacism graphics on your email signature or Power Point Presentation
  2. Place a graphics on your website as a banner or a picture
  3. Include and share graphics and information about the #UCDAgainstRacism campaign during your team/unit/School/College meetings, orientation and induction training for employees and students, events organised by you or your colleagues.
  4. Include the graphics on the TV screens in your building The format suitable for the TV screen can be downloaded below.
  5. Share our message, via EDI Twitter, repost our EDI tweet or place a post and a graphic on your social media

Suggested text:  

  • Celebrate Diversity with us and say Racism Stops with Me!
  • Support #UCDAgainstRacism - Download promotional materials for your websites, social media, presentation, email signature as well as posters for work and study areas. 

Link to the race and equality web page: https://www.ucd.ie/equality/information/raceandethnicequalityinucd/

IHREC anti-racism campaign

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has launched an anti-racism campaign in Janaury 2021. The Campaign - #AllAgainstRacism aims to challenge individual and societal attitudes that lead to people from different ethnic backgrounds experiencing racism. 

Entirely non-scripted, the campaign features eleven interviews with people from different ethnic backgrounds, sharing personal perspectives on racism in Ireland, including casual racism, the role of bystanders and the systemic, historical, societal and structural barriers encountered in everyday life in Ireland.

UCD invites everyone to watch the videos and circulate to colleagues and networks, or share the message across (opens in a new window)twitter or (opens in a new window)Instagram

(opens in a new window)All Against Racism 1 from (opens in a new window)IHREC on (opens in a new window)Vimeo.

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie