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The Offences Against the State Act at 80: Virtual Book

‘The Offences Against the State Act at 80: Virtual Book Launch’

The launch of The Offences Against the State Act at 80, edited by Dr Mark Coen and published by Hart, was held as a webinar on Tuesday 29 July. Professor Imelda Maher, Dean of the Sutherland School of Law, welcomed attendees and introduced Ms Justice Úna Ní Raifeartaigh of the Court of Appeal, who chaired the event. The judge recalled appearing as a barrister before the Special Criminal Court in its previous Green Street location. Likening the book to a treasure chest, she praised the contributors for the variety of approaches they had taken to the legislation, including the use of historical, international and empirical methodologies. 

Professor Liora Lazarus of the University of British Columbia and Professor Colm O'Cinneide of University College London participated in the launch as discussants. Professor Larazus reviewed the book in the context of international scholarship on security and justice while Professor O'Cinneide located it within debates about the domestic legal order. Dr Mark Coen referred to the ongoing work of the independent review group established by the Government to examine the Offences Against the State Acts and expressed the hope that all submissions submitted to the group will be published in full on its website. Ms Justice Ní Raifeartaigh brought proceedings to a close by encouraging all present to purchase the book (Note: it can be ordered from the UCD Campus Book Shop: Tel 01 2691384).

A recording of the virtual Book Launch is available on the UCD Sutherland School of Law YouTube Channel at (opens in a new window)this link.

UCD Sutherland School of Law

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.