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Rosemary Mangan

Rosemary Mangan

Supervisor: Professor Ian O'Donnell 

Research Area: Homicide/Criminal Law/Criminal Justice/Victimology 

Scholarship/Funding: UCD Sutherland School of Law Doctoral Scholar 

Thesis title: A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Family Members of Homicide Victims in the Irish Criminal Justice System.


There is a growing interest in capturing and understanding the impact of victimisation in Ireland which is evident in recent statutory and policy responses to violent crime such as the Domestic Violence Act 2018, the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Act 2017, the Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and the recently published Study on Familicide and Domestic and Family Violence Death Reviews.

This research will draw together two significantly under-researched strands in this jurisdiction, fatal violence, and the experiences of those most directly impacted by crimes of this nature - the family members of homicide victims. This thesis explores the contemporary experiences of family members of homicide victims in the aftermath of fatal violence and their post homicide experiences with the Irish criminal justice system. The research will be framed by recent statutory developments laid out in the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Act 2017 and the Parole Act 2019 which expressly defines and recognises family members in granting them the right to avail of victims’ rights in place of a deceased victim where the offence in question led to the death of the victim. This study will assess this groups unique and complex association with the different stages of the criminal justice process. It will explore their experiences during the homicide investigation, the criminal trial and sentencing, their experiences with the Coroner’s Court and their views on the parole process. It will examine their procedural rights, and the adequacy of current criminal justice approaches and responses to their needs and concerns.


Rosemary Mangan is a Ph.D. Candidate at the UCD Sutherland School of Law. In 2022, she was awarded scholarships from the UCD Sutherland School of Law, the School of Law at the University of Limerick, and the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University to undertake Ph.D. research. Her research explores and examines the experiences of the family members of homicide victims as they undergo the criminal justice process in the aftermath of fatal violence. Her Ph.D. research is supervised by Professor Ian O’Donnell.

Rosemary tutors in Criminal Liability, Constitutional Rights, and the Advocacy and Mooting modules at UCD. She previously tutored in Criminal Law, Introduction to Criminal Justice, and Constitutional Law modules at Maynooth University.

Rosemary holds a Bachelor of Civil Law Degree and a first class Masters in Law Degree from the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University.

From 2019 to 2022, Rosemary was employed at the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University as a research assistant while also concurrently working as an executive assistant in the School. In that time, she worked on a number of research projects which were funded by bodies such as the Irish Research Council, the Department of Justice, the Public Service Innovation Fund, and the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research Innovation Programme. They centered pertinent issues such as imprisonment, domestic violence, access to higher education for people who have a record of criminal conviction/s, and historical cross border smuggling between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.In her role as an executive assistant, she was appointed lead over Postgraduate Research Programmes. In 2021, she was awarded the President’s Award for Service Excellence along with her administrative colleagues in the School of Law and Criminology by the then President of Maynooth University, Professor Philip Nolan.


Thompson, S., Doyle, D.M., Murphy, M., and Mangan, R. (2022) 'A welcome change . . . but early days: Irish Service Provider Perspectives on Domestic Abuse and the Domestic Violence Act 2018', Criminology and Criminal Justice pp. 1-19 (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1177%2F17488958211067912 

Paper/Conference Presentations:

Rosemary Mangan (2023) 14th North South Criminology Conference. The Experiences of Family Members of Homicide Victims in the Irish Criminal Justice System Dublin City University, 15/06/2023-16/06/2023.

Rosemary Mangan (2023) UCD Sutherland School of Law Ph.D. Workshop: Research Introductions. Understanding the Needs and Experiences of Family Members of Homicide Victims as they engage with the Criminal Justice System and the Coroners Court, 31/05/2023.

UCD Sutherland School of Law

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.