Bekaert Research
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Research Theme
The central theme of the centre is the development and application of numerical methods for metal forming and related processes, in addition to associated mechanical characterisation techniques. In particular, applying the finite volume method to solid mechanics application is a common theme.
Ongoing Projects
- SmartSim: Applying deep learning methods to enrich engineering simulations of advanced manufacturing processes
- Simulating fracture and damage in drawing and rolling
- Beam element approaches for the processing of circular and non-circular wires
- Novel finite solution algorithm for severe deformations
- WebApp process design tools
- Advanced phenomenological and microstructural plasticity models for complex deformation
- Characterisation of high-strength steels at varying levels of deformation
Affiliated Research Centres
- (opens in a new window)I-Form (opens in new window)
- (opens in a new window)MaREI (opens in new window)
- UCD Centre for Mechanics
- UCD Centre for Adhesion and Adhesives (opens in new window)
- UCD Centre for Biomedical Engineering (opens in new window)
Current Vacancies
If you are interested in joining the team, please email (opens in a new window)philip.cardiff@ucd.ie.
Further Information
For further information on steel wires and Bekaert, see (opens in a new window)https://www.bekaert.com/en/products-and-applications/our-core-competences/steel-wire-transformation/profiling.