Ian Mulholland
James Mountjoy
Bin Chen
Nalin Jayakody
Heather King

Communications & Signal Processing
Communications and Signal Processing has been a research topic in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering since 1973. The approach adopted by the group is one that strikes a balance between both directed fundamental research and applied research.
The group currently has many projects in wireless and optical communications, covering topics such as error-correction coding, signal modulation, wireless relaying, diversity techniques, and cooperative communication.
The successes achieved by the laboratory in the applied areas are principally due to the outstanding results of prior internal basic research. The main research emphasis is placed upon algorithms rather than hardware. As a consequence of this, simulation techniques are widely used; the laboratory is particularly well equipped in this regard, with access to a variety of platforms on which to run proprietary and in-house developed software. Real-time hardware implementations have also been constructed.
Over the last number of years, the Communications and Signal Processing Group at UCD has assisted several leading Irish companies to establish strong DSP research and development activities; the group remains in close contact with these companies.
PhD studentship:
Maria Jose Canet Subiela (Sep 2010 - Feb 2011).
Mayur Punekar (Ph.D.).
Brian Gaffney (Ph.D.)
Colm Fewer (M.Sc.)
Cormac de Frein (Ph.D.)
John Craddock (Ph.D.)
Paul Saunders (M.Sc.)
Dr. Enrico Paolini, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof. Marco Chiani, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof. Norbert Goertz, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Prof. Joachim Rosenthal, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Liam Barry, Dublin City University, Ireland
Dr. Maria Jose Canet Subiela, University of Madrid, Spain
Dr. Pedro Reviriego, University of Nebrija, Spain
Dr. Juan Antonio Maestro, University of Nebrija, Spain