Catherine Murphy
IT Project Manager – Educational Technology Services
Team Lead
The New Content Experience (NCE) is a refreshed presentation of learning content in Brightspace. Designed to streamline content creation, enhance collaboration, and create engaging and accessible learning experiences for faculty and students.
While the New Content Experience looks different to our current content experience, you will still be able to utilise most of the current features available in Brightspace, however some trial and error may be required in order to get this to work for you and IT Services are here to assist you should you run into any issues.
A full roll out of the New Content Experience will happen from September 2025. Further details of how you can get involved now can be found below.
Phased Implementation in 2024/25:
UCD began the phased implementation of the New Content Experience in Brightspace in September 2024. A full roll out is planned across all modules for the 2025/26 academic year onwards. Support and training is available now to support the early adoption of the New Content Experience.
Figure 1: New Assessable Activities View
Module Coordinators in teaching modules have the capacity to enable the New Content Experience (NCE). Once enabled, all instructors and students will be able to use the NCE within the module.
To enable the New Content Experience, go to 'My Learning' within your module, Module Coordinators will see a down arrow tab in the top right corner of the screen. Here you can enable or disable the NCE via this dropdown.
Figure 2: Screenshot showing the pull down tab to toggle the New Content Experience off and on.
Short training sessions for instructors are scheduled as part of our Brightspace training training programme for instructors focusing on getting your content ready for the New Content Experience
IT Services are offering bookable 1:1 online support appointments for instructors who want to become early adopters of the New Content Experience. These sessions are intended to help instructors who may need focused time to resolve any final issues with organising their content into the New Content Experience.
How to guides and other support resources are in our Knowledge base. Instructors can also open support queries at any stage via the IT Support hub. You can find links to these below in the “Getting Started” section of the webpage.
New Content Experience available to toggle on/off in all staff sandboxes
The 2024/25 academic year module containers will become available in Brightspace
Targeted Training & support for New Content Experience being rolled out
Recommended that all Stage 1 core modules at the undergraduate level and, where feasible, graduate-taught programmes, begin using the New Content Experience
NCE is available to all Spring modules
25/26 New module shells available
NCE becomes the sole content experience in Brightspace
Full rollout of New Content Experience
Enhancements delivered in December 2024
Up to 5 nested levels are possible in the NCE
(Please note the UCD VLE standards recommend as few nested levels as possible).
Table of contents search - users of the NCE are able to search the table of contents and see results from their table of contents titles and descriptions in the same manner as they currently can within the Classic Content Experience.
Manual completion of content topics - Instructors can configure topics in the NCE to allow students to manually tick topics as completed.
Further feature enhancements expected in Spring 2025
The New Content Experience Module Content Readiness Widget is visible to instructors on the home pages of teaching modules. The widget analyses the content in the module and displays pre-existing module content from the Classic content experience that needs to be reviewed in order to display in the New Content Experience - making the review of module content quicker and easier for all instructors.
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You do not need to formally sign up to use the New Content Experience. Module Coordinators can choose to opt in via your module in Brightspace.
Under the 'My Learning' view within your module you will see a down arrow tab in the top right corner of your screen. When you click on this you will be given a drop down screen offering you the option to turn on or off the new Content Experience. Once turned on you can turn it off again via the same route.
Please Note: This is only available for Module Coordinators.
In teaching modules, only the Module Coordinator has the capacity to (opens in a new window)turn the New Content Experience on and off.
Once enabled, all instructors and students will be able to use the New Content Experience within the module.
In instructor sandboxes, Explore modules and other custom modules, all instructors can turn the New Content Experience on and off.
No, only instructors with the role of Module Coordinator can turn the New Content Experience on and off.
Yes, there are differences in how content displays, new ways for creating and moving units and content. After adding content you should check to make sure it displays how you intend it to display.
Further information on the steps to add content are in this (opens in a new window)knowledge base article and (opens in a new window)more.
Yes. Review the (opens in a new window)checklist of key items do check to ensure your content displays well in the NCE and use the New Content Experience Module Content Readiness Widget on the home pages of your teaching modules to review any content that needs attention.
No - the New Content Experience impacts the display of content only in the My Learning area of modules. Other tools in Brightspace such as assignments, quizzes, and discussions,etc are unaffected.
From December 2024, The new experience supports a maximum of five levels of units and subunits. Top-levels are called Units. The second level sub-units are called Lessons and 3rd level sub units are called Folders. No more sub-units can be created deeper than the level of a folder (Unit>subunit>Folder - content items can be added to any of these three levels). This is consistent with Universal Design Learning (UDL) best practices.
If there are pre-existing units from the Classic Content Experience that are too deep to display an alert message will appear that will be visible only to Module Coordinators.
The missing sub-unit and its content still exist and can be pinpointed by using the NCE module content readiness widget on the module home page. To move the units up, the sub-unit and its content can be located in the (opens in a new window)Module Builder Tool if you need to move them up a level. You can also use the toggle to revert to the Classic content experience in order to move the sub-module to a different location. You can then re-enable the New Content Experience.
The UCD VLE Standards units have been added by default into 2024/25 teaching modules
The New Content Experience uses icons instead of text to identify different file types. (opens in a new window)More information here
See (opens in a new window)what you need to check and the key differences between the Classic and New Content Experience
Yes, the New Content Experience is designed for mobile devices. It is recommended that a full web browser is used with Brightspace on mobile devices. (opens in a new window)Brightspace Pulse displays are unaffected by which content display tool is in use in modules.
Send feedback using this form: (opens in a new window)New Content Experience Feedback Form
IT Services are offering (opens in a new window)bookable 1:1 online support appointments for instructors who want to become early adopters of the New Content Experience.
Short training sessions for instructors on using the New Content Experience are also available. Book here
All our support resources are linked from the project web page: Brightspace New Content Experience - UCD IT Services
Instructors can also open support queries at any stage via the (opens in a new window)IT Support hub
Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp