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Functional Uses of Trees

Functional Uses of Trees

Trees serve three broad functions in the landscape, design, environmental and engineering.

From a design perspective trees :

- Define spaces, marking boundaries between fields, parks or gardens,

- Provide enclosure, privacy, camouflage and direction,

- Form linkages between one building and another. Avenue planting links an entrance with a large building or in a town or city creates a network of tree lined streets.

From an environmental perspective trees :

- Improve air quality

- Provide shade and shelter

- Reduce noise levels

- Contribute to habitat creation

From an engineering perspective trees

- The roots of trees assist in the stabilisation of soil

- Leaves and branches in the tree canopy prevent soil moisture loss and soil erosion.

Functional Uses of Trees

Juglans regia
Acer campestre
Acer macrophyllum TCD
7 Arches Dodder
Tilia x europaea avenue
Tilia shade
Tilia petiolaris
Dividing trees
Young Lime Avenue
Oak Avenue
Tilia Germany
Windsor Great Park
Tilia avenue City Quay
Tilia avenue Glasgow
Populus italica

Landscape Trees

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777