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About Research Ethics in UCD

The Research Ethics Committee (REC) and the Office of Research Ethics (ORE)  are fully committed to the advancement of quality academic research. Research Ethics in UCD is about best practice and is intended to provide protection for the human and animal subjects, the researchers, the research data and the university.

Please see the REC in UCD Organigram.

The are four Research Ethics Committees (the REC and 3 sub-committees) and each of them are committed to ensuring that all research activities undertaken by UCD researchers or research on UCD property, involving animals, human subjects or personal data are carried out ensuring the dignity, rights, health, safety, and privacy of those involved. UCD expects its employees, researchers, or any other person conducting research on campus, to abide by the policies and guidelines that demonstrate good practice in research and to ensure that ethical conduct of research is observed. This includes research undertaken by UCD employees outside the University and overseas. 

The UCD Research Ethics Approvals System was established in 2004 and is an internationally recognised system for reviewing research involving human participants and animals. For more information see The Review Process.

The REC is responsible for raising awareness and education about research ethics. In addition the REC oversees the ethics review and approval system, and advises on policy regarding the work carried out by the sub-committees as follows:

Ethics reviews are undertaken by either of the Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) or the Animal Research Ethics Committee (AREC).  These are peer reviews provided by UCD academics and specialists and, in some instance, external experts. Both of the HRECs (humanities and Sciences) have oversight of the Taught Masters and Undergraduate RECs (TMRECs/URECs) which were established as local research ethics committees to review submissions at school level.

What does the Office of Research Ethics do?

  • Facilitates the ethics review process conducted by the UCD Research Ethics Committees;
  • Supports researchers through the ethics review process, from the preparation of a submission to the review of research and any subsequent requests for amendments or post approval reporting;
  • Provides an Ethics Advisory Consultation for staff and students;
  • Develops and implements policies and procedures in compliance with national and international guidelines;
  • Provides presentations and workshops on research ethics and related areas.

 For more information see What is Research Ethics?

Contact UCD Office of Research Ethics

UCD Research, Tierney Building, Belfield, Dublin 4.
E: research.ethics@ucd.ie