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UCD Strategy 2015-2020

Straitéis 2015-2020

Objective 3

Consolidate and strengthen our disciplines

Since the foundation of the University, UCD has built strength across a range of disciplines. Over the years the number of these disciplines has increased, so that we now have a disciplinary base unmatched in Ireland, and one that rivals the greatest universities in the world.

The breadth and strength of our disciplines is not only fundamental to our reputation as a research-intensive university and our ability to deliver depth to our educational experience, but also underpins our success in interdisciplinary research, education and innovation.

We will consolidate our disciplines through internal discussion and external comparison, and review our academic structures to ensure they are aligned with our disciplines. We will then work to strengthen these disciplines.

Success will be measured through rising research performance, education quality and student experience metrics in each area, together with improved measures of reputation. We expect that our disciplines will be ranked within the world top 100 by 2020.

Objective 3