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UCD Strategy 2015-2020

Straitéis 2015-2020

Objective 7

Develop and strengthen our University community

Central to our mission and vision is the buildingup of a supportive and inclusive community of students, faculty and staff, alumni and diaspora.

Community has always been a distinguishing feature of UCD. Testament to this is the frequency with which our students pay tribute to faculty and staff for their support and dedication. Our students form lifelong friendships in class and through extra-curricular activities, which form invaluable networks that support graduates throughout their careers. Our community of faculty and staff take a pride in and make a commitment to their students and to the contribution the University makes to society.

We will work together to make UCD an attractive, friendly and accessible environment, which encourages all members of our community and their families to spend more time on the campus.

We will continue to develop extra-curricular activities and increase the participation of students in the management and development of the student experience.

To further enhance our staff community we will improve the communication and decision making processes within the University. The development of reflexive and inclusive decision making processes will distinguish UCD as a university characterised by effective engagement with changing conditions, needs and ideas across the campus, generating a
high degree of responsiveness and commitment. We will provide a wide range of opportunities for faculty and staff interaction across Colleges, Schools and Units, at both professional and social level, so as to enhance both well-being and the effectiveness of communication across the University.

To build on our affinity with our alumni we will expand our social alumni networks. Conscious of the benefits of two-way exchange, we will foster greater engagement between our faculty and alumni through a programme of events aimed at sharing expertise in this wider community.

Success will be measured through satisfaction surveys and focus groups, through increase alumni and external involvement in University events and through increased participation in student mentoring initiatives.