Team Values, Vision, and Mission

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The aim of this session is for the team to collectively establish and agree team values, vision for the team and mission statement. It is a one-hour structured session whereby people work in pairs and groups to discuss and develop ideas.

These ideas are then shared and discussed as a group to form team values, team vision and a team mission statement. These statements will guide and drive the work and goals of the team.

Click on the button below to download the Team values, vision, and mission module package, which contains detailed information including instructions on how to run the workshop session, facilitator notes, and handouts.

Values vision mission click

Please click the links below to download a modified version of this module which teams can use to conduct sessions via video conferencing rather than in-person.

Team Values Vision and Mission remote session outline

Team Values Vision and Mission handouts and outcomes template

When running this remote module, participants may need to be separated into sub-groups for discussions. Please view this brief video conferencing note for guidance on how to do this.

Note that your organisation may have policies on which video conferencing tools are permitted to be used.

The session is aimed at developing understanding among team members about the purpose and vision of the team, and what the team is collectively working towards. By engaging and involving as many team members as possible, it is anticipated that the session will enhance collaboration, coordination, effective team working and motivation towards shared goals.

This session will deliver three key team outputs:

  1. A team mission statement
  2. A team vision statement
  3. An agreed set of team values


Please click on the image below to watch a brief video introducing this module.

Video introducing Team Values Vision and Mission module

1-2 team members can facilitate discussions and ensure everyone has the opportunity to contribute. One facilitator can act as whiteboard/flip chart scribe to collect ideas and identify common themes from discussions.

The session is structured as follows:

  1. Welcome to all and ice-breaker activity (10 minutes)
  2. Discussion of values and what are the values we want our team to embody (5 minutes)
  3. Discuss and develop a team vision statement (20 minutes)
  4. Discuss and develop a team mission statement (20 minutes)
  5. Close of session (5 minutes)

There is strong evidence from the research on team working in healthcare that teams are more effective when they have a clear sense of what they are working towards, and how the vision and mission of the team aligns to the vision and mission of the wider organisation. Mission statements have been shown to be valuable for performance in healthcare,1 and can also help to drive innovation and learning.2

More information about developing team values, vision, and mission can be found in the Community Toolbox, which is a free online resource developed by the University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development.



  1. Forehand A. Mission and organizational performance in the healthcare industry. Journal of Healthcare Management. 2000 Jul-Aug;45(4):267-77.
  2. Bart, C. (2004) Innovation, mission statements, and learning. International Journal of Technology Management. 2;6/7:544-61

About Us

Collective Leadership and Safety Cultures (Co-Lead) is a 5-year programme in UCD that is researching the impact of an emerging model of leadership (collective leadership) on team performance and healthcare safety.

We are designing and implementing collective leadership interventions for different team types and testing the impact of these interventions on staff performance and patient safety.

Contact Us

Co-Lead Research Programme,
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems,
Room B113, Health Sciences Centre,
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4.