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How to Apply

Applications to the MSc. in Medical Physics can be made from October 1st for entry in the following academic year. Applicants must submit their application via the online UCD application portal. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, beginning in February of each year, approximately seven months before the start of the next MSc. intake.

Places are offered to candidates that have achieved the entry requirements for the MSc. Where applicants are in their final year of their degree, a 'Conditional Offer' can be made if they have received an upper second-class honours (II-1) degree or higher in their previous year, or their most recent final year trimester results. These offers are subject to place availability. 

When the quota of offers has been reached, other applicants meeting the criteria are placed on a waiting list. Students with a lower second-class (II-2) honours in their most recent year that could obtain an upper second-class (II-1) degree or higher, will also be place on this waiting list. When places become available, these will be allocated on the basis of academic performance, relevant experience and, in the case where more than one applicant fulfills the criteria, date of application.

Once conditional or full offers have been made to applicants, these should generally be accepted within two weeks of the offer. There will be a follow up email to applicants who have not accepted their offer within the given deadline, informing them that they have an additional week to accept the offer. If there is no response after three weeks from the initial offer, the offer will lapse and the place will be allocated to other applicants.

UCD Centre for Physics in Health and Medicine

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 2222