The cost centre hierarchy that is used for Outturns reporting is called the R (Responsibility) hierarchy and is organised as set out below. Other cost centre hierarchies (e.g. to support published financial statements) exist but are generally not of interest to Finance Managers
Standard Levels in Hierarchy
Level | Sample Code | Description |
3 | CU | College level. Each College and V-P is represented by an entry at Level 3. Usually a 2 letter code such as CU (for the College of Science) is used. Most of these codes begin with the letter C, but more recent codes atart with D. It is not possible to post directly to a Level 3 unit. |
6 | S006 | School level. Each School or Support Unit is represented at level 6. Codes begin with the letter 'S' and are followed by 3 numbers. It is not possible to post directly to a Level 6 unit. Every Level 6 unit must be within (ie roll up to) a Level 3 unit. |
9 | 1234 | Postable cost centres are all created at the bottom of the hierarchy, at level 9. They are assigned 4 digit codes. Every Level 9 cost centre must be within (ie roll up to) a Level 6 unit. |
The above levels are the critical levels of the hierarchy. They are replicated on other administrative systems e.g. Core and Banner so that we can report in a consistent way across the units, where applicable (e.g. there is no need for Level 9 cost centres on Banner).
Other Levels
Intermediate levels - e.g. Level 7 and Level 8 - do exist on eFinancials but are not used in a fully standard way and are omitted from most reports.
Project or Job Codes - principally R, V and D Accounts (Research, Vattable, Departmental projects respectively) - are associated with a specific cost centre.
The vast majority of units in the university are part of the core activities and are coded as described above. However we also have ancillary and subsidiary units and an extended coding system is used. Most of these units are central units, but some colleges and -P areas do have a small number of such units.
Ancillary and Subsidiary units are generally created in the financial hierarchy at level 3 and level 6 with a suffix of -N for aNcillary or -S for Subsidiary. In such cases the core unit is given a suffix of -C. Postable cost centres do not have a suffix.
S083 is the Commercial Office. S083-N is the unit code for ancillaries in the Commercial Office, S083-S is the unit for subsidiaries and S083-C is the unit for core cost centres.