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Athena SWAN at the School of History

The (opens in a new window)Athena SWAN Charter is committed to gender equality in Higher Education and to ensuring that the talents of all are supported, both students and staff. The School of History was recognised with an (opens in a new window)Athena SWAN Bronze Award in September 2022 and is taking practical steps to foster gender equality through School structures and individual actions. The School’s Gender Equality Action Committee (GEAC) is tasked with implementing our Athena SWAN Action Plan. It works closely with the School’s EDI Committee and the University EDI Unit.

As a School we are dedicated to advancing gender equality and mainstreaming best practice. We recommit ourselves to supporting those with family and caring responsibilities. We recognise that individuals face different challenges at different points in the course of their studies and careers. We acknowledge that gender intersects with other areas of inequality and we will take these into consideration while creating an environment rooted in dignity and respect.

For further information please contact the GEAC directors, Assoc. Prof. Elva Johnston: (opens in a new window)elva.johnston@ucd.ie; Prof. John McCafferty: (opens in a new window)john.mccafferty@ucd.ie

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