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Thomas Ruane

Junction zone: Extending Dublin’s Grand Canal active travel route, allowing for continuous travel, while also providing amenity spaces

A proposal of the extension and rejuvenation of Dublin’s Grand Canal active travel route, creating a single design language which connects the corridor as one but also connects the different communities and neighbourhoods surrounding it.

Creating a green and blue space close to home where people can enjoy the outdoors for different recreational purposes has many attractions and benefits which people use. Turning the Grand Canal into a great commodity and attraction.

The government have announced that one fifth of carbon dioxide emissions come from motor vehicles in Ireland. To reduce the release of CO2 from vehicles the Irish Government are going to start raising petrol prices and parking prices, also going to introduce a city fee (carbon tax) that people will have to pay if they enter Dublin city by vehicle.

These measures are there to discourage people from using private cars. My proposal encourages people to swap out the car for a bicycle. It is well and good that the government are trying to stop people from using cars, but if so there has to be better public transport and active travel infrastructure provided to the public.

This is what my development offers.

Contact UCD Landscape Architecture

School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. University College Dublin. Richview, Clonskeagh, Dublin, D14 E099, Ireland
T: +353.1-716 2757 | E: architectureadmin@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)