Dr Bridget Freyne

Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases 

Dr Bridget Freyne is a Paediatric Infectious Diseases Consultant at Childrens Health Ireland (CHI) and a Clinical Associate Professor of Paediatrics at University College Dublin. She is a member of the CHI Department of Global Health steering committee and Head of Research for this group. Dr Freyne graduated from UCD in 2004 and completed her paediatric training in Ireland. She subsequently spent time at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Melbourne sub-specializing in Paediatic Infectious Diseases. Her PhD was completed at the University of Melbourne looking at neonatal immune response to the BCG vaccine and the potential for the use of BCG in prevention of heterologous bacterial infections and neonatal sepsis. Following this she spent several years with the University of Liverpool at the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust where she was involved in paediatric clinical trials, epidemiological research on STI in pregnancy and operational/implementation research on PMTCT of syphilis and HIV in that setting.