Professional Diploma in Clinical Dermatology

Course Features

  • Entirely online interactive webinar course delivered over 4 lecture blocks, designed for busy healthcare professionals.
  • Focused on the highest yield content for a primary care provider.
  • Experienced consultant led teaching with interactive sessions.
  • Lectures are streamed online live (to facilitate Q&A), and via limited playback and again during examination revision periods.
  • Robust online Case-based format assessment that is e-proctored.

The route to a Professional Diploma in Clinical Dermatology is via successful completion of both Professional Certificate-level courses that cover all aspects of clinical dermatology, with a comprehensive lecture schedule delivered by expert Consultant Dermatologists. Lectures will be delivered through an interactive webinar series. The course in total will consist of 40 hours of webinar based interactive teaching and 500 hours of autonomous student learning. The two certificate courses will run on alternate Thursdays over 2 Trimesters during the academic year.

X877 Prof Certificate Clinical Dermatology High Yield 1

This programme consists of approximately 20-hours of consultant delivered teaching. It covers a comprehensive knowledge-base of clinical dermatology incorporating an introduction to dermatological terminology, common cutaneous malignancies, infectious dermatoses, inflammatory dermatoses, scarring and non-scarring alopecia.

X992 Prof Certificate Clinical Dermatology High Yield 2

This programme consists of approximately 20-hours of consultant delivered teaching. It covers a comprehensive knowledgebase of clinical dermatology incorporating Neutrophilic dermatoses, chronic pruritus and skin of the elderly, vasculitis and lichenoid eruptions.

Dermatological (skin and hair) issues comprise up to 25% of a General Practitioner’s workload. The majority (80%) of dermatology diagnoses in primary care represents just 10 conditions. The Professional Diploma in Clinical Dermatology incorporates 2 course modules both separately (NFQ Level 9, 10 credits) in total (NFQ level 9, 20 credits). Both course modules are entirely online distance learning, (September to May) and designed for busy healthcare professionals. After completing both High Yield 1 and High Yield 2 courses worth 20 ECTS in total, graduates are free to use both the award and their official transcript as evidence of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

The Diploma course in total will consist of 40 hours of webinar-based interactive teaching and 500 hours of autonomous student learning. Clinical Masterclass (Optional) Students who are selected (on a first come, first served basis) for the one-day Clinical Masterclass (which is non credit-bearing) at the end of course will have the opportunity to observe real-life patients with common dermatology conditions.

Enrolled students will have to meet the minimum IT requirements for Zoom as well as ensuring they have prepared their laptop/PC before taking an online assessment. Students will also need an integrated webcam and microphone on the device they will be using to take the exam for e-proctoring purposes. 

Zoom System Requirements

Preparing your PC or Laptop for Online Assessment

Curricular information is subject to change.

Students must have been awarded a Medical Degree from a recognised Irish/EU or international Medical School*

Applicants must also meet UCD’s English Language Requirements. UCD may accept a degree that was completed in English as proof of language proficiency. We will also accept proof of IMC registration, proof of MCRP I & MCRP II completion from students as proof of English language proficiency.

*Please Note: Podiatry is not accepted as proof of medical degree

For information on current course fees, please see the University Fees Office website.

For further course information, please email

Key Information:

  • Major Code X991
  • Duration 8 Months Part-time
  • Schedule Online Delivery
  • Next Intake September

Contact Us

Please submit your query using our Graduate Study Enquiry Form and the School Marketing & Communication team will reply to you with general advice via email. More detailed queries will be passed on to the relevant programme director/administrator who will respond to you directly.