Placenta Accreta Spectrum MDT

‘Placenta Accreta Spectrum’ (PAS) covers a range of clinical conditions formerly referred to as morbidly adherent placenta. In cases of PAS, the placenta is adherent to or invading into or through the uterine muscle. The condition is rare, however due to various factors such as an increasing caesarean section rate and fertility treatments, placenta accreta is becoming more common and is associated with significant maternal morbidity.

Please visit the patient support group, Placenta Accreta Ireland here.

The UCD-GOG group leads the Placenta Accreta MDT incorporating the National Maternity Hospital and the Rotunda Hospital and coordinates the management of between 20 women who are diagnosed with PAS. Our MDT approach is based on three key principles;

  1. Accurate antenatal diagnosis
  2. Planned elective delivery
  3. Standardised surgical approach as described here

Since the implementation of our MDT we have increased antenatal diagnosis from 56 to 92%, reduced average blood loss at surgery from over four litres to under two litres and reduced transfusion requirement from a median of seven units of red cells to one unit of red cells and 50% of women do not require any transfusion.  

Some our publications in this area are listed below