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Student Type

This page defines the different types of students that are engaged with the University in different ways and across a broad spectrum. It provides clear definitions of the different student types, with examples, and highlights some of the operational implications, and/or association of rights, responsibilities and/or privileges that are associated with each student type classification. It provides details of the University services and facilities available to the different types of student.

'Student' is intended to be used as an over-arching generic term which relates to the full spectrum of the forms of engagement that an individual might have with the University. The relevant sub-categories of student outline the status, privileges, obligations, rights and responsibilities of an individual as determined by their student status.

There are 4 types of student:

Standard students Studying at UCD Eg. student on a UCD BA / BSc / BComm / BEng /
ProfCert / ProfDip / GCert / GDip / MA / MSc / PhD programme, Teagasc
Full access to University facilities and services; Transcript / Diploma Supplement / Statement of Results / Recognition of Studies
For UCD award
Subject to UCD Student Code
Welfare/Pastoral: UCD
Occasional students Studying at UCD Eg. students undertaking academic activity (ECTS credit-bearing), ‘Flexible Learners’ registered to credit-bearing modules, JYA, ERASMUS, credit-bearing CPD, Pre-Masters.

These may be classified as “structured” occasional or as “pure” occasional.
Full access to University facilities and services; Statement of Results / Recognition of Studies (for students on structured occasional programmes)
Not for UCD award
Subject to UCD Student Code
Welfare/Pastoral: UCD
Affiliate students Not studying at UCD Eg. relates to recognised colleges of UCD engaged in academic activity which is ‘for award’ only and is normally also credit-bearing (albeit in the delivering institution, and normally subject to that institutions academic regulations and rules of conduct), IoB, IPA Access to University facilities and services available subject to negotiation / agreement / financial arrangement (ie formal T&C required)
For UCD award
Not subject to UCD Student Code
Welfare/Pastoral: Primary Institution
Associate students Not studying at UCD Eg. relates to learners who are engaged with the University through non-credit-bearing activity, ‘Flexible Learners’ registered for modules for audit, Adult Ed, Vet CPD, Study Group (Int’l Foundation programme), Science Without Borders, Articulations (1+3s, 2+2s), Business Executive Education programmes which do not entail a UCD award Access to University facilities and services available subject to negotiation / agreement / financial arrangement (ie formal T&C required); Recognition of Studies (where applicable)
Not for UCD award
Not subject to UCD Student Code
Welfare/Pastoral: Subject to agreed T&C

Standard, OccasionalandAffiliatestudents are statuses which relate to individuals who are registered to some type ofacademic activity of the University (including modules, programmes or only for award) which is normally ECTS credit-bearing, and for which UCD exercises academic oversight through a relevant Programme Board.

In comparison,Associatestudents are engaged with the University through non-academic (that is, non-credit-bearing and/or non-UCD-delivered content) activity, including language learning, professional (non-credit-bearing) CPD learning, extra-mural activity, and auditing of otherwise-credit-bearing modules.

Contact UCD Registry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)