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Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators to support the implementation of Rising To The Future have been defined. The definitions are set out below or may be downloaded here -  KPIs (PDF).


KPI Name

KPI Definition


Publication Volume The number of journal publications associated with current UCD academics per calendar year from the Scopus/SciVal database.  This is a widely used international database of publications and citation.  It has been acquired by UCD and is used in both the QS and THE world university rankings.


Research Awards 

The total direct and indirect value of research awards in Euro for externally funded research grants registered in a financial year as recorded by the UCD RMS Grants System.

This KPI will look at a rolling 3 Year Average 
3 Field-Weighted Citation Impact 

FWCI (Field-Weighted Citation Impact over a five year interval (e.g. 2010 to 2014) is an indicator of mean citation impact, and compares the actual number of citations received by an article with the expected number of citations for articles of the same document type, publication year and subject field. The indicator is always defined with reference to a global baseline of 1.00.

•                     A Field-Weighted Citation Impact of 1.00 indicates that the entity’s publications have been cited exactly as would be expected based on the global average for similar publications; the Field-Weighted Citation Impact of “World”, or the entire Scopus database, is 1.00.

•                     A Field-Weighted Citation Impact of more than 1.00 indicates that the entity’s publications have been cited more than would be expected based on the global average for similar publications; for example, 2.11 means 111% more cited than world average. •   A Field-Weighted Citation Impact of less than 1.00 indicates that the entity’s publications have been cited less than would be expected based on the global average for similar publications; for example, 0.87 means 13% less cited than world average.

4 Student - Faculty Ratio 

This is the ratio of total Student FTEs per Academic Staff FTE

Academic Staff-FTE: “Academic Staff” are defined as all staff members on an academic grades who hold academic positions that are self-funded or funded by core HEA funds. Staff funded through research accounts are referred to "Research Staff" and are excluded from the "Academic" staff cohort as defined here.

Student FTE: Student FTE is a measurement derived from student credit hour

registrations. One student FTE is equal to a typical full-time undergraduate degree courseload of 60 credits for one academic year. The number of student FTEs is obtained by dividing the total number credit hours taken by all students by 60.

Please note: a typical full-time graduate research student is assigned 90 credits per academic year and thus equates to 1.5 student FTEs


Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) Scores %
Who rate their entire educational experience at UCD as Good/Excellent

The Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) conducted annually by the HEA seeks to collect information on student engagement. Students are asked questions about their experiences of higher education and results are collated and used to generate specific indices relating to student Engagement or Outcomes. This KPI reports the percentage of respondents who rate their entire educational experience at UCD as Good/Excellent. 
6 Number of co-authored Papers with International collaborators  The number of journal publications associated with current UCD academics in Scopus/SciVal for UCD that have international co-authors per year. 
7 Number of alumni and friends Global and campus events.  Numbers of alumni and UCD friends who attend specified engagement events at home. Number of alumni engagement events will also be reported. 
8 Non-EU Student FTEs  For this purpose EU and Non-EU students are defined based on their fee-paying status. Non-EU students are those paying full economic fee. 

Number of UCD Schools with Athena Swan Awards 

Number of UCD Schools with an Athena Swan Award at any level obtained either as a single or group award. 
10 Staff Satisfaction Measure  Staff satisfaction is measured using sustainable engagement index from Staff Survey. 
11 Proportion of under represented students 

Under-represented students are defined as students who are mature, disadvantaged, report a disability, or who entered UCD with HETAC or FETAC qualifications. Part-time and students entering from non-standard progression routes could also be considered as under-represented but will be reported separately.

Mature students are defined as those aged 23 years of age or over at 1st January prior to the proposed entry date, who are entering a full-time undergraduate programme, for the first time (i.e. have no previous third level qualification).

Students reporting a disability (Graduate and Undergraduate students) who report a disability on the Equal Access Survey, enter UCD through the DARE scheme, or who register with UCD Access Centre.

Disadvantaged students are those who enter UCD through the HEAR scheme or who are classified in Socio-economic Group (SEG) D, F or G. Where the Socio-economic groups are defined by the Central Statistics Office as:

SEG D: Non-manual

SEG F: Semi-skilled

SEG G: Unskilled

We will also measure the numbers of students from Traveller backgrounds using the Equal Access Survey.

Alternative Admission Routes are HEAR, DARE, FETAC, Mature, Access and any other course which are providing a structured admission pathway

Part-time students are those who undertake undergraduate studies on a flexible basis during day, evenings, weekends, by distance, online and to include Open Learning students

12 Student Retention   Retention is defined as: The total number of a full-time undergraduate degree entering cohort in a given year that remains in study in the following year. 


University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777