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Jacek Andrzej Mynarczyk

Jacek Andrzej Mynarczyk

Dr Jacek Andrzej Mynarczyk  is a Gerda-Henkel-Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow on the UCD-Jena joint project “Himmler’s transnational militia”. Before his current appointment, he was Lecturer in German History at the Nikolaus-Kopernikus-University, Toru? (2010-14). After studying Ancient and Contemporary history and Philosophy in Katowice and Essen (M.A. 2000), he was a research assistant at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw (2004-2009). His PhD thesis, a major local history of the Holocaust and German-Polish relations during the Nazi occupation, was published as: Judenmord in Zentralpolen. Der Distrikt Radom im Generalgouvernement 1939-1945 (Stuttgart 2007).

He has also published the co-authored monograph The Price of Sacrifice: Crimes against Poles for Aiding Jews in the Region of Ciepielów (with Sebastian Pi?tkowski, Kraków, 2008) and two edited collections: Polen unter deutscher und sowjetischer Besatzung 1939-1945 (Osnabrück, 2009) and Der Judenmord in den eingegliederten polnischen Gebieten 1939-1945 (with Jochen Böhler, Osnabrück, 2010).

UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608