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Research: MLitt & PhD

PhD & MLitt students in Art History, and Cultural Policy & Arts Management

Current research postgraduates Working Title                                            Supervisor Student Profile
Michael Ann Bevivino

Breaking the mould: Ireland’s replicas of cultural objects from the historic to the digital

Prof. Lynda Mulvin

Profile Page 
Frances Coulter

Titian’s 11 Roman Emperors and the Gabinetto di Cesari, Ducal Palace, Mantua: their composition, iconography and influence in European Art

Assoc. Prof. Philip Cottrell  
Deirdre Cullen

The Long Gallery at Castletown: a rare example of the neoclassical taste for painted rooms all’antica and an expression of the intellectual and cultural worlds of Ireland’s eighteenth-century elite.

Assoc. Prof. Conor Lucey Profile Page 
Susan Curley Meyer

The Visual and Material Culture of Dublin Street Trading in the Long Nineteenth Century

Prof. Emily Mark-FitzGerald Profile Page 
Prolet Decheva 

Personifications of abstract ideas in Late Antique and Middle Byzantine Art

Dr Sean Leatherbury  Profile Page 
Clarissa Frascadore

The Anthropology of the Modern artist: a study of Piet Mondrian’s reception

Dr Róisín Kennedy Profile Page
Jan Frohburg

"Radical and conservative at once".Spatial Expressions of Modernity in the work of Mies van der Rohe

Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty  
Sandra Heise

Art Ó Murnaghan and ‘Leabhar na hAiséirghe’ / ‘The Book of the Resurrection’: an un-sung artist and the National Memorial

Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty  
Nokubekezela Mchunu

Relative Modernisms: The Designed Domestic Lives of the Mid-Century African Upper Classes

Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty Profile Page
Susan Mihalik

Changing discourses of social justice: interpretations of equity in local arts administration

Dr Victoria Durrer Profile Page 
Séamus Nolan

Modalities of participation and spectatorship:  a practice based enquiry into discourses and methodologies of participation and spectatorship in contemporary visual art museums.

Dr Róisín Kennedy & Dr Lisa Godson  
Pooja Sastry

Fables & Freedoms: The Shaping of the Built Environment by Women

Dr Róisín Kennedy  
Mark Tully Parrasio Micheli and painting in sixteenth-century Venice:  Reconsidering a Lost Reputation  Assoc. Prof. Philip Cottrell  Profile Page 

Recent Conferred Postgraduates 

Year Name Title

Rachel Healy

Portraits of Giorgio Cornaro and his Heirs: Resolving issues of Identity, Authorship and Patronage in Renaissance Venice and Beyond

Marco Zexun Zhang

The Reshaping of Hong Kong Culture after 1997: Constructing the West Kowloon Cultural District

Priscilla Sonnier, PhD

'Celebrated Beauties’: Dialogues, Duty and Display in Ascendancy Ireland, 1720-1790

Kieran Gaya, PhD

Islamabad:  What’s in a Name?

Zhengfeng Wang, PhD

Institutionalising Modern Consumption: Market Buildings and Department Stores in Chinese Cities, 1930s-1950s

(opens in a new window)Livia Hurley, PhD

Spaces of Production: an architectural and urban history of the nineteenth-century brewery in Ireland

David Teevan, PhD

Encounter, collaboration and negotiation:the importance of co-creation in the ecology of participatory arts in Ireland
2020 Anne Cormican, PhD A 'Painter of Modern Life': William Orpen (1878-1931)
2018 Sadegh Panahiazar, PhD Sacred Light in Sacred Architecture, 17th century and now: San Lorenzo Church, Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque and BZM Congregational Mosque
2017 Susan Barry, PhD Buffalo's Gilded Age: a story of architecture and landscape design
2016 Edith Andrees, PhD Museums, Migration and Cultural Diversity: Narratives and practices in Ireland and Germany
2016 Jessica Fahy, MLitt 'Catching the Female Gaze': Representations of male religious figures and the female viewer in Renaissance art
2016 Eivlin Roden, PhD John Michael Wright (1617-1694): a singular Stuart painter
2015 Sarah Wilson, PhD Foreign Cults in Rome and their Origins: Questioning the Non-Roman Identification of Magna Mater, Palmyreen Deities and Sol
2015 Silvia Guglielmini, PhD Arts Festivals in Tourism, Tourism in Arts Festivals
2015 Sabrina Wilk, PhD  Foreseeing and Transmitting Arcadia: Perspective visualisation in landscape architectural design
2015 Peter Shortt, PhD A History of the Rosc Exhibitions 1967 to 1988, their Confrontations and Influences
2014 Jacqueline Hayes, PhD The Role of Sculpture in the Victorian Garden Cemeteries of Glasnevin and Mount Jerome (1832-1916) and the Significance of Politically Inspired Monuments
2014 Jennifer Goff, PhD The Eileen Gray Collection at the National Museum of Ireland
2014 Louis W. Funder, PhD Reconstructing a Region – Rioja and its Wineries 
2014 Corinna Ricasoli, PhD Non Omnis Moriar: Artists' Funerary Monuments in Baroque Rome 
2013 Louise Kelly, PhD Pieter Codde Reconsidered: His Life and Works (1599-1678)
2013  Sadegh Panahi, MLitt  Holy Light in Iranian Sacred Architecture
2013  Ruth Musielak, PhD  Water sources: Improvement in the Irish and English designed landscape, 1660-1800
2012 Medb Ruane, PhD  Seeing, Reading, Writing:  a psychoanalytic interpretation of Louis le Brocquy’s Táin 
2011 Kate Antosik Parsons, PhD Remembering & Forgetting: Memory & Gender in Irish time-based art 
2011  Anna Kadzik-Bartoszewska, PhD  Egyptian archaeological textiles from 3rd to 11th century CE – in the collection of the National Museum of Ireland
2011 Audrey Nicholls, PhD  Temptation and Transgression: Images of Christ and the Adulteress, and of Adulteress, and of Susanna and the Elders, in Renaissance Venice
2010  Sheila Dickinson, PhD  Gender and Art Practice in Contemporary Irish Art: an in depth study of the work of Alice Maher, Dorothy Cross and Kathy Prendergast
2010  Vera Murtagh, MLitt  Andrew Nicholl: Artist, Teacher and Traveller
2009  Conor Lucey, PhD  ‘Made in the new Taste’: domestic neoclassicism and the Dublin building industry, 1765-1801
2009  Emily Mark-FitzGerald, PhD  Memorials and Monuments to the Irish Famine: Commemorative Art and History
2008 Eimear O'Connor, PhD Sean Keating 1889-1977 – New Perspectives
2008 Anne-Marie Keaveney, MLitt Daniel O’Neill 1920-1974
2007 Angela Cowhey, PhD Dublin Cabinetmakers and their Clientele in the period 1880-1841
2007 Sarah Drumm, MLitt 'None but persons of fashion need apply': Dublin Townhouses of the Irish MPs 1750-1800
2007 Ruth Sheehy, MLitt “O’ Lord, I love the habitation of thy house and the place where thy glory dwells”  The Religious Art of Richard King in Ireland: 1933-73
2006 Nesta Butler, PhD William Baillie (1728-1810): Printmaker, connoisseur and dealer
2006 Mary Clark, PhD The Dublin Civic Portrait Collection: Patronage, Politics and patriotism, 1548-2000
2006 Róisín Kennedy, PhD Politics of Vision: Critical Writing on Art in Ireland, 1939–1972
2006 Mary Frances Patton, MLitt The Religious Stained Glass Windows of Evie Hone

UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8162 | E: arthistory.culturalpolicy@ucd.ie