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Exchange Programmes

Exchange Programmes

Erasmus Exchange

UCD School of Art History & Cultural Policy participates in the Erasmus Programmes enabling the exchange of students between different European universities to study Art History. We have direct exchange agreements with the Art History departments of the following universities - Universität Wien [Austria], Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne [France], Università degli Studi di Roma III [Italy], Erasmus University Rotterdam [Netherlands], Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universidad de Zaragoza [Spain], Université de Lausanne [Switzerland].  UCD Art History students can travel to study at any of these universities, and annually the School receives incoming students from any or all of them. The ability to communicate in the language of the chosen institution is an essential consideration. 

The Erasmus Exchange is usually undertaken after a student has successfully completed second Year (Stage 2). Students on the BA Joint Honours (DN520) can choose to spend a full year abroad in Year 3, making it a 4-year degree. Students who choose this option graduate with a BA International. Students on the BA Humanities (DN530) have the option of a trimester abroad as part of their Year 3 studies.

International Exchange

International exchanges beyond Europe are also possible. UCD has exchange agreements with 400 universities in Europe and around the world. All Non-EU exchanges are co-ordinated by the International Office. 

  • For further detail see the UCD Global website. 

Incoming students

(opens in a new window)Dr Róisín Kennedy is the School liaise for incoming students.

Information about modules open to visiting exchange students can be found in the following booklet: Handbook for International Students 2024/25

UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8162 | E: arthistory.culturalpolicy@ucd.ie