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Student Support

Academic support is provided via email. Always include your name and student number in any correspondence. Please see the list below for the appropriate contact for different issues:


On being admitted to one of UCD's programmes, you will complete an induction programme. During induction many of the academic stipulations will be reviewed and you will receive the following documents in hard copy at this time (if you have not received these, please contact your programme manager):

  • Student Handbook
  • Guide to accessing online resources
  • Code of conduct for students
  • Code of conduct on Teamwork and Team assignments
  • UCD policies
  • Late submissions 
  • Plagiarism and academic integrity
  • Examination regulations
  • Extenuating circumstances
  • University Academic general regulations
  • Grading criteria               

Office Hours:

You are encouraged to meet with your lecturers on an individual basis during any the lecturer’s posted office hours.  These meetings are an opportunity for you to discuss any questions you might have about the module with your lecturer. 

UCD Student Email Accounts:

Once you are fully registered with the University, a UCD email address will be created automatically.  The format of the email address is:


Remember to check your UCD email on a regular basis!

Contact the UCD China Joint Colleges Office

Room 504, James Joyce Library Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1945 |