On the necessity of transformative change, moving from an era of crises to an epoch of flourishing | coffee morning research talk with Tadhg O’Mahony
This week's coffee morning, we welcome Tadhg O’Mahony (UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environment) who will talk about "On the necessity of transformative change, moving from an era of crises to an epoch of flourishing."
In the last two decades 'transformative change' has emerged from a fringe topic in the literature to the fundamental requirement for achievement of a sustainable and low emissions future. The science has now concluded that it is both necessary and also offers significant synergies for people and planet. But what is transformative change and how can it be achieved? Tadhg O'Mahony will discuss with reference to his work including on 'sustainable wellbeing,' mobility transformation, governance and policy and on foresight and the application of systems thinking.
Live in the Institute kitchen, 4th floor UCD Science East and on Zoom – all welcome!
Join us each Thursday morning from 10.45 to hear about new environmental, climate and sustainability research and initiatives, from UCD and beyond.
Pedalling to Progress: Removing barriers to the uptake of cycling in Ireland

- Finola O'Driscoll, Senior Programme Manager, Active Travel Investment, National Transport Authority
- Andrew O'Mullane, Senior Engineer, Road Design, Construction & Active Travel Projects, South Dublin County Council
- Stephen Cullen, Executive Engineer, Roads Maintenance, South Dublin County Council
- Anna Mölter, Principal Investigator of the Sustainable and Healthy InFrastructure by reducing stress during active Travel (SHIFT) project, University College Dublin
- Ciarán Ferrie, Co-Founder of I Bike Dublin