News & Events

Expressions of interest sought for directorship of UCD Earth Institute

Published: Monday, 29 May, 2023

Call for Expressions of Interest - Director of UCD Earth Institute

Role profile and application details

May 2023

The UCD Earth Institute is seeking a new Director to lead the development of the Institute over the next five years. The position is a leadership role in the Institute and the wider university. Reporting directly to the UCD Vice President for Research, Innovation and Impact, the Director works collaboratively with members and staff of the Institute and colleagues across the university to foster interdisciplinary environmental, climate and sustainability research, to deliver on the Institute’s mission and vision and support the university’s strategic ambitions in this space.

About UCD Earth Institute

The Earth Institute is UCD’s institute for environmental, climate and sustainability research. The Institute is an active research community of almost 170 academic members and 250 associate members including postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers, technical, administrative and research support staff. The multidisciplinary membership is drawn from twenty-six UCD Schools and all six Colleges. The Institute has active links with a wide range of collaborators and stakeholders, is home to state-of-the-art research laboratories in the UCD O’Brien Centre for Science and is a focal point for UCD’s environmental, climate and sustainability research.

The Institute fosters interdisciplinary research within and beyond UCD through an active programme of events and activities designed to bring researchers together from different disciplines, to start new conversations, spark new ideas and support new initiatives relating to research and education, policy and governance, innovation and enterprise and engagement and society. The expertise of its members centres around seven themes, focusing on water, climate, ecosystems and evolution, crops for the future, built environment, people, work, society, and sustainable communities.

The UCD Earth Institute seeks to be a prominent voice in environmental, climate and sustainability research, policy, management and innovation in national and international spheres. It stimulates and facilitates engagement by UCD researchers with environmental, climate and sustainability policy-makers, decision-makers, industry and wider publics with a view to maximising UCD’s engagement and impact.

Further details can be found at

Duties and Responsibilities


  • Provide leadership to the UCD Earth Institute and lead an ambitious strategy for the Institute.
  • Represent the Institute across the university to drive outstanding research, innovation and impact, and to ensure effective collaboration in environmental, climate and sustainability research in UCD.
  • Be an effective advocate for the importance of environmental, climate and sustainability research, innovation and impact.
  • Foster new partnerships with other institutions and stakeholders.
  • Further develop the Institute and university’s profile internally and externally through effective leadership, communication and engagement.
  • Lead or support interdisciplinary flagship initiatives that deliver excellent research, attract external funding and gain international recognition for the university.
  • Work with members, associate members, and management team of the Institute, relevant Schools and Institutes in UCD (currently 26 constituent Schools in 6 Colleges) to integrate the University’s approach to and support of environmental, climate and sustainability research.
  • Promote a research culture of collegiality and collaboration that recognises the needs of members, associate members and staff across a range of career levels.
  • Implement membership criteria for the Institute that are consistent with the Institute strategy and provide effective structures for active engagement of members and associate members.
  • Engage with the Institute Executive Committee and External Advisory Board who provide strategic advice and input.
  • Lead strategic planning processes with members and stakeholders to ensure that the Institute is on track to achieve strategic goals and ensure the ongoing relevance of those.
  • Oversee the efficient and effective operation of the Institute’s infrastructure and budgets.
  • Manage and develop Institute staff, with the support of the Institute Manager.



5 years, beginning on or after 1 July 2023.

Application process

Applicants should submit an expression of interest letter and CV to by 5pm on Wednesday 14th June 2023. The letter, of no more than two pages, should summarise: (i) your vision for the UCD Earth Institute, and (ii) your suitability for the role of director including a demonstrable commitment to interdisciplinary environmental, climate and sustainability research.

Shortlisted candidates will be notified by the afternoon of Friday 16th June and will be invited to attend an interview on the morning of Tuesday 20th June.

If you would like to discuss the role while considering an application, please contact Prof. Tasman Crowe (outgoing director, UCD Earth Institute) or Will Fitzmaurice (manager, UCD Earth Institute).


Letter of appointment from Vice President for Research, Innovation and Impact.

No change to terms and conditions.

Buy out of time at €40K p.a.