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Quarter End

Quarter End

Finance Office Calendar

The calendar coverinq quarterly Outturns timetable etc. is set out below. Use the + symbol at the bottom right to subscribe to this calendar so that it appears in your own calendar app.


While the timing of General Ledger close may need to change taking into account dates such as Christmas, Easter etc., the general timetable is:

Working Days of New Period Working Days vs GL Close Event
Day -14 -14 CFPMA open Foreasting to enabale FMs commence forecasting prior to Quarter End
Day 1    
Day 2 -2 Initial SalWag upload to PBCS Actuals
[uploaded earlier if available].
Day 3 -1

4pm General Ledger close. GL request all journals are submitted by 12 noon.

Prior to close-off, Journals may be submitted as Reversing Journals and will automatically reverse. 

Day 4 0

Final SalWag Upload to PBCS Actuals, including ECF Pension charges. Final salwag may be uploaded earlier from time to time. You will be notified once final uploads have taken place.

Day 5 +1

Prior period opened for historical adjustments. {9.00am}

Submit journals plus reversals to (opens in a new window)accounts.queries@ucd.ie, copy to (opens in a new window)outturns@ucd.ie 

Day 6 +2

4pm deadline for submission of historic journals with reversals.

Finance Systems inport final efin data to PBCS Actuals [Aftter 5pm]

CFPMA archive Forecast to What-If1 Version

CPPMA populate initial forecast using actuals to date plus plan for remaining periods [6 pm]

Day 7 +3 9am PBCS Forecast facility opened for FMs to enter their forecast and for Ancillary and Subsidiary accountants to enter their Actuals To Date plus Remaining.
Day 8 +4  
Day 9 +5  
Day 10 +6 CFPMA close PBCS Forecast facility [4pm].
Day 11 +7 Outturn Commentary completed by FM and filed in FMs Team Drive [5pm]
(G:\Shared drives\FMs Team Drive\FM Workspace\_Central FPMA\Quarterly Outturns).
    Outturns Review Meetings - schedule varies

Planned timetable for Q1 2024/25 is:

Working Days of New Period Working Days vs GL Close Event
Fri 3rd Jan -2

Initial SalWag upload to PBCS Actuals

Prior to close-off, Journals may be submitted as Reversing Journals and will automatically reverse.

Mon 6th Jan -1  
Tues 7th Jan 0

4pm General Ledger close. GL requests all journals are submitted by 12 noon.

Final SalWag Upload to PBCS Actuals, including ECF Pension charges.

Wed 8th Jan +1

Prior period opened for historical adjustments. 

Submit journals plus reversals to (opens in a new window)accounts.queries@ucd.ie

Thu 9th Jan +2

4pm deadline for submission of historic journals with reversals.

Finance Systems import final efin data to PBCS Actuals [after 5pm].

CFPMA Population of Initial Forecast using actuals to date plus plan for remaining periods [6 PM]

Fri 10th Jan +3

CFPMA open PBCS Forecast facility [9am]

Mon 13th Jan  +4  
Tues 14th Jan +5

CFPMA close PBCS Forecast facility [4pm].

Wed 15th Jan  +6

FMs file Outturn Commentary in the FMs Team Drive [5pm].

(G:\Shared drives\FMs Team Drive\FM Workspace\_Central FPMA\Quarterly Outturns\2025\Quarter 1).

    Outturns Review Meetings to be scheduled if required

Planned timetable for Q2 2024/25 is:

Working Days of New Period Working Days vs GL Close Event
Tues 1st April -2 

Initial SalWag uploaded to PBCS.

Prior to close-off, Journals may be submitted as Reversing Journals and will automatically reverse.  

Wed 2nd April  -1  
Thurs 3rd April 0

4pm General Ledger close. GL request that all journals are provided by 12 noon.

Final SalWag Upload to PBCS Actuals, including ECF Pension charges.

Fri 4th April +1

Prior period opened for historical adjustments. 

Submit journals plus reversals to (opens in a new window)accounts.queries@ucd.ie

Mon 7th April +2

4pm deadline for submission of historic journals with reversals.

After 5pm Final import of Efin data to PBCS Actuals (Centre Only)

Population of Initial Forecast using Actuals To Date plus Plan for Remaining Periods (Centre Only)

Tue 8th April +3

9am PBCS Forecast facility opened for FMs to enter their forecast and for Ancillary and Subsidiary accountants to enter their Actuals To Date plus Remaining

Wed 9th April +4  
Thurs 10th April +5 4pm PBCS Forecast facility closed. 
Fri 11th April +6

Final Outturn Commentary completed by FM and filed in FMs Team Drive

(G:\Shared drives\FMs Team Drive\_Central FPMA\Quarterly Outurns\2025\Quarter 2)

    Outturns Review Meetings to be scheduled if required 

Planned timetable for Q3 2024/25 is:

Working Days of New Period Working Days vs GL Close Event

Tue 1st July


Initial SalWag uploaded to PBCS.

Prior to close-off, Journals may be submitted as Reversing Journals and will automatically reverse.

Wed 2nd July  -1  
Thu 3rd July 0

4pm General Ledger close. GL request that all journals are provided by 12 noon.

Final SalWag Upload to PBCS Actuals, including ECF Pension charges.

Fri 4th July +1

Prior period opened for historical adjustments. 

Submit journals plus reversals to (opens in a new window)accounts.queries@ucd.ie

Mon 7th July +2

4pm deadline for submission of historic journals with reversals.

After 5pm Final import of Efin data to PBCS Actuals (Center Only)

Population of Initial Forecast using Actuals to date plus Plan for Remaining Periods (Center Only)

Tue 8th July +3

9am PBCS Forecast facility opened for FM's to enter their forecast and for Ancillary and Subsidiary accountants to enter their Actuals To Date plus Remaining

Wed 9th July +4  
Thu 10th July +5

4pm PBCS Forecast facility closed.

Fru 11th July +6

Final Outturn Commentary completed by FM and filed in FMs Team Drive

(G:\Shared drives\FMs Team Drive\_Central FPMA\Quarterly Outurns\2025\Quarter 3)

    Outturns Review Meetings scheduled if required 

Archived Timetables are available here.

Quarter End Accruals

Information regarding the cost centre and account codes to use for Quarter End adjustments.

  • Prior to close, a journal may be sumbitted as an automatic Reversing Journal [Journal Type = "R"]
  • After close, please include a rmanual Reversing Journal with every journal submitted – include both on the same email.
  • Period 9 Journal Type = “H” – reversing Period10 Journal Type = “J”.
  • Please populate all fields in the header (date; debit control etc. noting date should be in the format 09/07/17 as the system cannot read the format 09.07.17).
  • Please ensure the reversing journal uses the exact same cost centre codes and account codes as the original. E.g. if a Period 9 journal debits account code 81313 Occ Lec – Qtr Adj do not post the reversing journal to 82350 Nonpay

Download the Old Journal Form - no longer in use.

Quarter-End Pay Accruals

DR Q999-82353 Salwag – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-81303 Tutors – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-81313 Occ Lecturer – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-81911 Other Pay – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-82073 Scholarship – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

Non-Pay Accruals

DR Q999-82350 Non-Pay – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

Do not use Q codes.

Normally committed funds drawn down from committed reserves on the balance sheet are fully drawn down in Quarter 1, and the budget should have been phased to match this - with the drawdown occurring in Quarter 1 and the associated expenditure occurring during the year. Where this occurs, there is normally no need to enter accruals.

However, to the extent that activity does not align with the budget phasing, you may need to defer some or all of the income as follows:

Quarterly Deferral of Committed Reserves - Internal

DR 1234-89992

CR 1234-99992

Quarterly Deferral of Committed Reserves - External

DR 1234-89991

CR 1234-98357

Other Income

External Income

DR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

CR Q999-80698 Adjustments Income (External)

Internal Income

Dr 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

CR Q999- 80601 Internal Income (Internal)

Q Cost Centre Codes & Adjustment Account Codes - Actuals

  • The Q cost centre codes are for Outturns purposes only.
  • Please use Q codes in line with School Level 6 Codes e.g. Q001 for S001.
  • The Q codes and the above P&L account codes should always be used in tandem with each other - they are not to be used with other cost centres or account codes.

Q Cost Centre Codes - Budgets

The Q cost centre codes are also used in budgeting, but are not used for Actuals, other than as above. Uses in budgets include:

  • Operating Budget Balancing Adjustments. These ensure that the sum of detailed cost centre budgets match the approved university budget for the school.
  • University Budget. The Q cost centre may be used to budget at the level of the School rather than for each individual cost centre when preparing the university budget. The FM may choose to budget some items at School level and some at cost centre level - no system settings need to be changed. For some items, e.g. Fee Income, the detailed cost centres are not relevant and so the Q cost centres are used.

UCD Finance Office

1st Floor Tierney Building University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777