PhD workshops

PhD workshops

As a PhD graduate, your skill set will naturally include the advanced research and analytical techniques required to undertake high-level research in your field. You will also be expected to possess a range of transferable skills relevant to the successful completion of your research project and to your broader professional development. Workshops assisting you with aspects of your PhD programme such as the Stage Transfer Assessment, Research and Professional Development Planning and the Viva VoceĀ are provided. In addition, workshops on project management, time management and presentation skills are available.

Calendar 2023/24

You can now book a place on workshops available in Trimester 2.

Please note:
These workshops are developed with considerable resources specifically for research students. If you register for a workshop and find you cannot attend, please cancel your booking or contact us via the Graduate Studies Connector as soon as possible. 

UCD Careers Network workshops

Registration for 23 Things International opens

UCD Careers Network workshops

UCD Careers Network workshops

Transferable Skills Workshops 2024/25 

Autumn Trimester Series


Alternatively, view details in the Booking Centre.

Download your Research Training & Development Certificate of Participation

Video resources

Below are video recordings of previous Transferable Skills workshops delivered by Graduate Studies staff. 

Managing your Stage Transfer Assessment

This workshop provides tips and assistance for Stage 1 doctoral students preparing for their Stage Transfer Assessment.

Surviving your Viva Voce

This workshop aims to assist doctoral students in preparing for their Viva Voce (or oral defence of their thesis).

Working with your Supervisor

This workshop explores the dynamics of the student/Supervisor relationship and provides tips for students on optimising the supervisory experience.

Getting to grips with your RPDP

This workshop provides an introduction to completing your RPDP.

Research degrees at UCD

This workshop explores what it means to complete a research degree programme at UCD.

Tip: Subscribe to our YouTube channel for even more video resources.