This Academic Integrity Policy is intended as a holistic and supportive statement that reflects the values of academic integrity upheld by students, faculty and staff in UCD. It not only outlines the University’s expectations of students in relation to their assessed work, but also the various roles and responsibilities of faculty, staff and units in supporting students in their learning. It reflects sectoral developments by defining clearly certain academic misconduct behaviours.
Last updated 19 September 2024
This procedure document should be read in conjunction with the UCD Policy on for Split-Site Research Degree Student Arrangements.
Last Updated 7 March 2019 - It is the intention of this document to discuss conflict resolution specifically within the context of the student - supervisor relationship with the aim of developing a cohesive graduate research experience across the University. It is expected that both students and supervisor(s) contribute responsibly to the establishment and maintenance of a healthy working relationship.
University College Dublin is committed to the promotion of an environment for work and study which upholds the dignity and respect of the individual and which supports every individual’s right to study and/or work in an environment which is free of any form of harassment, intimidation or bullying.
Webpage maintained by UCD Registry, detailing all guidelines and FAQ relating to eThesis submission at UCD
Last Updated 21 May 2019 - Students are expected to meet the academic demands of their chosen programme. However, they may experience a range of serious and unanticipated difficulties, which adversely affect their ability to study, complete assessments or attend their required classes and other learning activities. In such circumstances the Governing Board can enact the Extenuating Circumstances Policy, subject to the impact of those circumstances being described and appropriately verified.
Checklist for Supervisors/RSP members and Managers/Administrators that highlights the important points for making a successful External Credit recommendation to the GRB
Students may use this form to submit an application for the award of External Credit to their School in the first instance. The School will then make a recommendation to the GRB.
Two copies of the Graduate Minor Thesis Submission Form must be completed by the student and submitted to the School with the relevant number of copies of the minor thesis.
Last updated January 2024
These guidelines articulate recommendations for the involvement of postdoctoral researchers as Assistant Supervisors in the supervision of graduate research students.
This document is a set of guidelines for Schools, not a policy, and is intended to provide high-level guidance that can work in conjunction with School/discipline norms (and only if the School/discipline thinks it appropriate to have theses in that format).
An inter-institutional co-supervisory agreement is drawn up between University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin (‘UCD’) and the collaborating International Higher Education Institution on behalf of a named research student to enable their registration to a joint degree with that institution.
Last Updated 25 April 2019 - This policy will guide students, faculty and staff in the establishment of an InterInstitutional Co-Supervisory Agreement. The co-supervisory agreement describes the rules and procedures to which a student will have their registration, supervision and award of a degree with UCD and another higher education institution (HEI). In some instances, the partnership may extend to include another party such as industry partner, government agency or NGO.
This form is to be completed by the UCD faculty member who wishes to propose an inter-institutional co-supervision/Cotutelle agreement between UCD and a partner institution for one PhD student.
Last Updated 21 May 2019 - The purpose of the Leave of Absence Academic Policy is to facilitate Governing Boards to support students who may require a leave of absence from their programme in order that they may return to complete their programme.
A Leave of Absence is an extended period of time away from a programme of study, at the request of the student, and approved by the relevant Governing Board. Since August 2016, standard Leave of Absence applications can be made by students via their SISWeb account and these applications are managed by the appropriate College/School Office via Infohub.
Last Updated August 2020 which articulates the practices and procedures associated with the transfer of students from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the doctoral programme and the progression of students within Stage 2.
This webpage includes information on the Recognition of Prior Learning policy as well as guidelines for applicants and staff.
This policy was approved in May 2024 and will be effective from September 1st, 2024. This policy outlines the expected standards to be applied with respect to recruitment, support and development of graduate research students participating in teaching support activities. Furthermore, the policy ensures equality and consistency across the university in the management of teaching support from graduate research students.
Research Degree Examination Form
Last Updated 27 April 2023 - The purpose of the policy is to clearly identify the responsibilities of each party within the University with respect to the preparation, submission, processing, examination, and dissemination of graduate research degree theses.
Last Updated 12 December 2018
This form should be completed following the transfer assessment and should be made available to the student, Principal Supervisor, Head of School and relevant Governing Board.
A useful set of guidelines and policies pertaining to research programmes at UCD
Last Updated 19 March 2020 - Research Studies Panels are designed to enhance the supervisor student relationship and to ensure the quality of the research student experience in the context of structured research degrees.
Last Updated 12 December 2019 - The purpose of this code is to collate all of the UCD policies and procedures that govern the research process and which collectively support an environment of responsible conduct of research.
Last Updated 8 November 2022
Last Updated 18 May 2020 - This policy aims to address the needs of UCD students registered to research degree programmes who have, as part of their approved study plan undertaken to conduct significant elements of their research programme away from the University. It is also intended that this policy will safeguard the quality and academic standards of the University’s research degree programmes.
This form should be completed following the Stage 1 transfer assessment or other progression assessment and should be made available to the student, Principal Supervisor and Head of School, as well as uploaded to InfoHub for consideration by the Graduate Research Board.
Becoming a UCD student means that you have joined a diverse and vibrant university community. As a member of this community it is important that you are respectful in your interactions with others and that you uphold the high standards of personal responsibility and academic integrity that is expected of all students.
Academic Secretariat UCD Registry Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy
Last Updated 19 March 2020 - The UCD Policy for Supervision of Research Degree Students, outlines each party’s roles and responsibilities governing the professional relationships between supervisor(s) and students. The policy is applicable to all research degree programmes and is supplementary to the UCD Academic Regulations.
Downloadable poster with supports for research students
Last Updated 21 May 2019 - The purpose of this policy is to articulate the processes involved in the preparation, submission and examination of Minor Theses associated with taught Masters’ programmes.
Last Updated Sept 2021
Thesis Extension Requests (including form)
Examination Report Forms for PhD, Research Masters, Professional Doctorates and MD Thesis corrections sign-off form Checklist for Chair of research degree examination
Fillable form. Last Updated March 2020
Last Updated September 2023
Last Updated December 2016
This quick guide will show you use the My Leave of Absence and Withdrawal Requests form in SISWeb to withdraw from your Programme.
Withdrawal Policy