A taught graduate course generally involves taking taught modules offered in the qualification of your choice. The modules may require you to submit essays or projects. This is then usually followed by independent research to inform the writing of a dissertation on a topic of your choice.

Frequently Asked Questions
Admissions and programme information
Yes, you can order a Graduate Prospectus by emailing (opens in a new window)graduateadmissions@ucd.ie. Alternatively, you can view the prospectus online.
A research degree involves the sustained and in-depth study of a specific topic, which is then written up as a thesis for examination.
The UCD PhD aims to enable students to achieve the best possible experience of graduate research and training. The PhD includes several innovative measures designed to support you in achieving your academic and professional objectives. Further information is available on our PhD Lifecycle webpage.
Applicants for graduate taught programmes should normally possess a first degree of at least a second class honours standard or the equivalent. Check specific entry requirements for each programme at the Graduate Course Search.
Applicants for graduate research programmes should normally possess a first degree of at least an upper second class honours standard or the equivalent and/or Master's degree or its equivalent.
In certain circumstances, applicants may demonstrate other evidence of academic standing and/or relevant professional experience to satisfy the Governing Board of their suitability for admission to the degree programme. These criteria are considered non-standard admission requirements.
There are currently approx, 11,000 students enrolled in graduate study at UCD, making up a significant proportion of our overall student body.
For trimester dates, please refer to the Key Dates webpage.
The Student Desk is responsible for the production of official documents relating to your registration and academic history. You can contact the Student Desk using the Student Desk Connector for information about transcripts.
Graduate students on taught programmes should follow the UCD Registry guidelines for deferring an offer.
Graduate research students should contact their School for information on the process to postpone admission.
Campus facilities and support services
Information about commuting to UCD and an (opens in a new window)interactive map of the campus can be found on the UCD Estates website.
For information about accommodation options, please refer to the UCD Residences website.
UCD offers on campus crèche facilities. Further details are available at UCD Crèche webpage.
During school holidays UCD Sports Centre offers a range of fun activities for children, allowing them the opportunity to try new sports and make new friends. UCD Sports Centre runs camps at Easter, mid-term, Halloween and summer, which offer children the chance to take part in over 25 sports/activities. Visit the UCD Children's Multi Sport Camps webpage for further details.
UCD Careers Network offers many services to graduate students, including help finding internships and a range of other supports.
For graduate research students, there is a dedicated Career and Skills Consultant, Ms Tara Hughes ((opens in a new window)tara.hughes@ucd.ie), who works with individuals and groups to help them find meaningful and rewarding careers.
Contact your supervisor and/or student adviser for assistance and support. The UCD Student Adviser for graduate research students is Mr Eamonn McHugh. You can reach him at (opens in a new window)eamonn.mchugh@ucd.ie.
Contact details of administrative supports can be found in pages 2-4 of Research Student Handbook.
International students
There are currently over 10,000 international students enrolled in our Belfield and Blackrock campuses, representing 152 countries. UCD is proud to be Ireland’s Global University.
UCD Global offers a wide range of supports to both international students who wish to study in UCD and Irish students who wish to study abroad.
Citizens of certain countries require an entry visa for Ireland. The Department of Justice provides a (opens in a new window)list of countries whose passport holders do not require a visa to enter Ireland.
If you do require an entry visa for Ireland, the Department of Justice also provides (opens in a new window)useful guidelines and details of requirements for study visa applications.
Visa processing times vary greatly from country to country. Early application is advisable.
For more information, please refer to the UCD Global website.
Courses at UCD are given almost entirely in English. All students applying for degree courses must be able to speak, read and write English fluently in order to take part in tutorials, seminar discussions and examinations. Applicants must meet the UCD Minimum English Language Requirements.
All non-EU/EEA and non-Swiss citizens have to register on arrival with the Irish Immigration Service (INIS).
For more information, please refer to the UCD Global website.
Under the Common Travel Area (CTA), the Government of Ireland and the UK Government have agreed that UK and Irish citizens have the right to access all levels of education in either state on terms no less favourable than those available to the citizens of that state.
See UCD Fees website and (opens in a new window)Further and Higher Education and Brexit for further information.
Welcome to Ireland and to UCD!
UCD Global is the dedicated team who looks after our international students. Please see the UCD Global website for all information relevant to incoming international graduate students, as well as helpful resources and practical tips for those arriving in Ireland.
Fees, funding and scholarships
Please refer to the Fees, Funding and Scholarships webpage for information about funding opportunities and scholarship schemes.
Students are liable to pay programme fees to the University. In addition to programme, fees students must budget for their own maintenance (including accommodation).
For more detailed information about fees for graduate programmes, please visit the UCD Fees website.
Extensions can be sought if a student has reached the maximum period of registration for their programme (Sections 7.10 and 7.12 of the Academic Regulations). It may be possible to receive an exemption from fees for the period of an extension. Please refer to the Thesis Extensions webpage for further information.
If you have a circumstance where you believe fees should be refunded, please contact the Student Desk via the Student Desk Connector.
If there are particular circumstances where fees cannot be paid, please contact the Student Desk via the Student Desk Connector for additional advice.
If your fees are paid from a research account, consult with your supervisor or visit the individual research funder websites.
Please contact your supervisor in the first instance, who will guide you as much as possible. Also contact your scholarship funder for specific terms and conditions.
- For advice on Student Fees, please contact the Student Desk via the Student Connector.
- For advice on Funding, please contact your Principal Supervisor in the first instance. Please refer to the Thesis Extensions webpage for information about applying for a no-fee extension based on extenuating circumstances.
Research degree progression
All research students are appointed an academic supervisor. Your supervisor will be knowledgeable in your field of research and will provide guidance and advice throughout the research process.
A UCD graduate research programme, such as PhD, cannot be completed 'at distance'. During the pandemic, a student may have had to work remotely for a period of time, but such arrangements were temporary. If a graduate research student does not return to campus, they are in breach of regulations as they do not have permission to be off campus. (Academic Regulations 7.17). If a student is unable to return to campus, or their research site, then a leave of absence may be appropriate.
It is worth noting that the information above is distinct from the occasions when a graduate research student may have to spend a brief period of time on another research site, such as another academic institution or industry partner. If such visits are longer than a trimester, and if this was not identified and approved at the time of admission, then a request must be made to the Graduate Research Board for the student be supervised off-site by an external supervisor (Academic Regulations 7.17, 7.20-7.22).
You can expect to be supervised in person. However, you should consult with your supervisor to agree what mode of engagement would suit you both and progress from there. It is important that you and your supervisor maintain clear and regular communication and that you keep in contact with members of your RSP as needed. Supervision can be conducted virtually if needed, but RSP meetings should be conducted in person.
STAs will normally be conducted in person in line with the timelines in Academic Regulations.
Zoom, which is supported by UCD IT Services, is the recommended virtual platform if needed.
Note: UCD graduate research students are eligible for a Zoom Pro account. Please see the IT Services Support Hub (opens in a new window)knowledge article for further information.
This is specific to each student and their supervisor. It should be based on a schedule agreed between you and your supervisor/co-supervisor.
RPDP forms are now online and accessed through your SISWeb account. The path is SISWeb/Registration Fees & Assessment/My Thesis & Supervisors. At this location, there is the Research & Professional Development Section where you can initiate a new RPDP form or revise an existing one; previous RPDP forms are stored here, too. The RPDP form is in two Parts: Part 1 is completed byyouprior to the RSP meeting; Part 2 is completed by theChair of the RSPafter each meeting.
For full details, please refer to the RPDP webpage.
If you feel that you need to take LOA, please discuss this with your supervisor. If your circumstances are such that a LOA is considered appropriate, then you can apply online. Please refer to the UCD (opens in a new window)LOA policy.
Yes, research students can take their Research Integrity Training online.
See the UCD Conferring Unit website for information about graduation ceremonies.
Thesis examination and submission
Information on how a viva voce is conducted, including roles and responsibilities, can be found on a dedicated page on the Graduate Studies website.
All research theses are submitted to the University for examination via the UCD e-Thesis System. There is an eThesis student webpage, which contains the most up-to-date guide for students and includes FAQs etc.
Once agreed with your supervisor that you are ready to submit, your supervisor will confirm approval to submit in the eThesis system and you will receive an email inviting you to submit your thesis. You will then upload your thesis in PDF format (one combined document including appendices).
The examining process is now complete. Please see the thesis submission checklist webpage for up-to-date guidelines on submitting your final hard-bound thesis.
Upon award of a research degree by the ACCE (Academic Council Committee for Examinations), a digital copy of a UCD research thesis is automatically deposited in the Research Repository UCD (RRU) and, without an embargo being set, is immediately publicly available to view.
The default position of the university is to not place an embargo on a research thesis. If there is a valid reason to delay the online dissemination of a thesis via the RRU, such as the protection of intellectual property (IP) or future publications, then an application for an embargo should be made to the University Graduate Research Board.
Please note that an embargo on a thesis should be sought prior to submission of the thesis. The application must have the support of the student’s Principal Supervisor and be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation.
Please refer to our information on Thesis Extensions.
Please note: For all extension requests, it is important to keep a record of your change of circumstances, especially any documentation to evidence how extenuating circumstances have impeded your progress.
Technical support
UCD IT Services provide both onsite and remote support. Please find details on remote and bookable on-campus support (see how you can contact IT Services). Please work with your supervisor if further support is needed.
To access the Research VPN Service you need to do the following:
- Ensure that your principal investigator or research supervisor is aware of your request and include their name and UCD email address on your request form.
- Review the Remote Access Standards.
- To request access, please complete the Research VPN Access request form on the (opens in a new window)Request Something section of the IT Support Hub (login required).
Note: undergraduate and taught master's students are not eligible for this service.
For further information, please visit the Research VPN webpage on the IT Services website.
Yes, UCD graduate research students are eligible for a Zoom Pro account, which has added features (e.g. meetings for up to 300 participants). This is enabled automatically once you create a Zoom account, within 30 days of registering as a student. If you have not created a Zoom account within this timeframe, please contact IT Services via the (opens in a new window)Service Support portal to set it up for you.
- (opens in a new window)Log in to Zoom via your UCD account.
- (opens in a new window)Download the Zoom client to avail of all features.