Application Process

Applying to a research programme at UCD

This webpage details the application process for graduate research degrees at UCD, from identifying a potential supervisor through to accepting your offer.

Step 1: Finding a supervisor

Here are a few tips for how to begin looking for a potential supervisor at UCD:

Once you've identified one or two potential supervisors, send them an email to ask whether they are accepting new graduate research students for the coming academic year, and include:  

  • your name
  • your academic background
  • your academic awards or highlights
  • your research experience
  • why you wish to enter doctoral studies
  • why the academic member of staff’s area of research will match with your research goals (cite the academic’s publications)
  • a research proposal, if appropriate.

All supervisors receive many applications from potential research students, so an email out of the blue is completely normal.

Tip: Remember to always customise the email to the specific member of staff you are approaching.

Step 2: Formal application

Once you have the agreement of an academic member of staff to support your application to take a place on the School's Research Master's or PhD programme, in some schools you will apply via the UCD online applications system; in others, there will be a paper-based application process. The School will be able to advise you what the required application process is.

You will be asked to provide your contact details, curriculum vitae and supporting documentation, which may include a research proposal, personal statement, transcript, references and evidence that you meet the University's English Language Requirements

As part of your application, you may need to provide a research proposal. Normally a proposal should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words and will include the following:

  • a working title: ensure the title indicates the topic area
  • a general overview: brief abstract of the general area of study, identifying the discipline(s) within which it falls. You might also refer to the way in which your own background gives you competences in your chosen area
  • identification of the relevant literature: demonstrate that you are aware of the debates and issues raised in relevant bodies of literature and that your proposed area has not been studied before
  • key research questions: since you need to demonstrate that the topic can be completed within the normal time period allowed, you need to demonstrate that it is manageable and focuses on key questions within your niche area
  • aims and objectives: state specific objectives of the research to be undertaken
  • methodology: demonstrate an awareness of the methodological tools available to you and show some understanding of which would be suitable for your research
  • timeframe/research planning: demonstrate an awareness of the need for planning and provide a realistic timeframe for the research
  • bibliography: include a short list of references to key articles and texts included in the application.

Tip: Avoid broad topic areas that would be unmanageable as research topics and vague descriptions of research areas in which your chosen School has no expertise.

If required to submit a personal statement, the most important thing is to explain why you are applying for your particular programme: what attracts you to that subject area, how your studies and/or work experience has influenced you, your future career plans and so on. Your statement should also include details of any work experience.

You can prepare your answers offline and copy and paste them in subsequently. You can enter a maximum of 32,000 characters in answer to any one question. If your answers are longer, you must save them in a word document, which you can then upload after your application has been submitted; otherwise, your answers will not be visible to the assessors.

A transcript is a document that states the results of all subjects in all years of your degree. Please note that the transcript is not the parchment that you would have received in your graduation. If you do not have a transcript, you can request this from your University. 

Tip: Instructions for submitting supporting documents such as transcripts and references with your application are available on the UCD Registry website.

Certain programmes will look for references that are able to provide details about your academic abilities and motivation. In some cases there will be specific referee forms available on the School website; however, in cases where references are required, the more normal request is for the referee to provide a letter of reference in his/her own words.

UCD comes under the terms of the Freedom of Information Acts, 1997 and 2003. In the context of the Online Applications system, this means that an applicant can request any documentation presented as part of the applications process, including sealed references, be sent directly by the referee to the institution.

Applicants to research degree programmes in UCD must meet the University's Minimum English Language Proficiency Requirement of a minimum of IELTS 6.5 with not less than 6 in any strand in the Academic Version or equivalent.

Individual Schools/Colleges may, at their discretion, consider alternative proof of English language proficiency, such as a degree taken through English. Please note that some Schools require a higher standard than the University minimum. Please contact the School to which you are applying if you need further information.

Step 3: Assessment

Your application will be reviewed by the School Graduate Committee and then the Governing Board to determine your suitability to take a place on your chosen programme.

Your application will be assessed on the basis of your academic qualifications, the alignment of the proposed research with the School's academic strategy, your personal statement and, where relevant, your English language proficiency.

Only when you have been approved by the Governing Board will you be eligible to register to the research programme.

Tip: Submit your application at least two months prior to your expected start date. You can register to begin a research programme at UCD in September, January or May.

Step 4: Formal offer

If you are being offered a place on a research programme at UCD, you will receive a communication from the School via email with your programme details. This will be sent to the email address provided in your application.

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