New Graduate Students

Welcome Note from the Dean / Nóta Fáilte ón Déan

Please see below for a Welcome Note from our Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor Barbara Dooley.  

Tá leagan Gaeilge ar fáil.

Welcome to University College Dublin.

I am delighted that you have chosen UCD as your university of choice to pursue graduate education. Founded in 1854, by John Henry Newman, UCD is Ireland’s largest university.  Today, UCD is ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. UCD is Ireland's leader in graduate education with over 10,000 graduate students, with almost a fifth of those being graduate research students.

UCD is one of Europe’s leading research intensive universities where undergraduate education, taught masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic continuum of activity. As Ireland’s number one university for research funding, we are at the forefront of global knowledge and research studies that have real societal impact.

Community has always been a distinguishing feature of UCD. You are now part of the UCD graduate community.  Central to our mission and vision is the building of a supportive and inclusive community of students, faculty and staff, alumni and diaspora. As you join this community, you will form lifelong friendships in class and through extra curricular activities, you will develop invaluable networks that will support you throughout your careers. We encourage you to get involved in all that UCD has to offer both academically and socially.

Students are at the core of the University. The capabilities of our graduates underpin our reputation. We actively promote university life as a journey of intellectual and personal discovery. We aim to give each of you a holistic, student-focused and research-led educational experience; to inculcate in you a lifelong desire to learn and to create, and to instil in you a sense of purpose, a capacity for critical thinking, a desire to make a difference in society and an awareness of the global community in which you will find yourselves.  As you start your journey with us embrace these attributes and take them with you into the classroom and beyond.

Professor Barbara Dooley

Dean of Graduate Studies

Fáilte go dtí an Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath

Tá ríméad orm gur roghnaigh sibh UCD thar aon áit eile chun tabhairt faoin léann iarchéime. In 1854 a bhunaigh John Henry Newman UCD agus is í an ollscoil is mó in Éirinn í. Sa lá atá inniu ann, áirítear UCD ar an aon faoin gcéad de na hinstitiúidí ardoideachais is fearr ar domhan. Is é UCD atá ar thús cadhnaíochta in Éirinn ó thaobh an oideachais iarchéime de agus tá níos mó ná 8,000 mac léinn iarchéime aige, agus beagnach aon cheathrú díobh sin ina mic léinn iarchéime taighde.

Tá UCD ar cheann de na hollscoileanna is fearr san Eoraip ó thaobh an taighde de: idir an oideachas fochéime, na céimeanna máistreachta a mhúintear agus an oiliúint PhD, an taighde, an nuálaíocht agus an rannpháirtíocht sa phobal, bíonn cúrsaí ag síorathrú anseo. Is í UCD an phríomhollscoil in Éirinn i réimse an mhaoinithe taighde agus fágann sé sin go bhfuil muid chun tosaigh san eolas domhanda agus sa léann taighde, léann a mbíonn an-tionchar go deo aige ar an tsochaí.

Bhí an pobal féin i gcroílár UCD riamh, agus tá fós. Tá sibhse anois in bhur mball de phobal iarchéime UCD. Cuid an-tábhachtach dár misean agus dár bhfís is ea pobal tacúil, ionchuimsitheach a thógail, pobal a bhfuil áit ag na mic léinn, an fhoireann teagaisc agus na baill foirne, na hiarmhic léinn agus an diaspóra ann. De réir mar a bheidh sibh ag socrú isteach sa phobal seo, déanfaidh sibh cairdis a mhairfidh ar feadh an tsaoil sa seomra ranga agus trí ghníomhaíochtaí seach-churaclaim agus forbróidh sibh líonraí luachmhara a thacóidh libh le linn bhur saoil ghairmiúil. Molaimid daoibh páirt a ghlacadh i saol UCD, i ngach rud atá ar fáil daoibh, idir ghníomhaíochtaí acadúla agus sóisialta.

Is iad na mic léinn croílár na hOllscoile. Is é cumas ár gcéimithe atá taobh thiar den cháil atá orainn. Deirimid i gcónaí gur aistear é saol na hollscoile, aistear ar a bhforbraíonn an mac léinn go hintleachtúil agus go pearsanta. Is é an cuspóir atá againn eispéireas iomlánaíoch oideachais a thabhairt don uile dhuine agaibh, eispéireas ina ndíreofar ar an mac léinn féin agus a mbeidh faoi threoir an taighde; mian fad saoil a chothú ionaibh chun bheith ag foghlaim agus ag cruthú agus an diongbháilteacht, an cumas smaoineamh go criticiúil, an fonn difríocht a dhéanamh sa tsochaí agus feasacht ar an bpobal domhanda a mbeidh sibh mar chuid de a spreagadh ionaibh. De réir mar a bheidh sibh ag tosú amach ar an aistear seo linn, glacaigí na buanna sin agus beirigí libh iad, isteach sa seomra ranga agus amach sa saol mór ina dhiaidh sin.

An tOllamh Barbara Dooley 

An Déan Staidéir Iarchéime

Welcome to UCD

<strong>Welcome to UCD</strong>


We are delighted you are commencing graduate study with us. UCD is fully committed to providing the best experience for all our students. We have outlined 5 initial steps we suggest to begin your graduate experience at UCD.

1. Registration, fees, funding and grants


  • You will need to register online before you can begin your graduate studies. Registration allows you to obtain your Student Card (Ucard) and gain access to UCD's wide range of facilities. (Note that all  students who are starting Stage 1 of a course or programme at UCD are required to have a Ucard.)
  • Check key dates to see when online registration opens for your programme.
  • View the Guide to Online Registration.

Fees and grants

  • A breakdown of your fee obligation is available while registering in the SIS (Student Information System) through your UCD Connect account. To make the process easier, you can take advantage of our online payment facility in SISWeb during online registration.
  • All students in receipt of the SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) Student Grant Scheme must pay the Student Centre Levy plus any fees not payable under the grant scheme. For further information on the student grant system, visit the HEA or SUSI websites.

View information and payment details or submit fee-related queries on the UCD Fees website.


  • Familiarise yourself with upcoming funding opportunities, such as the Government of Ireland Scholarships – see also the Funding and Scholarships section of this website.

2. Support services

Commuting to UCD

  • The UCD Commuting Guide is a useful reference. 
  • The Belfield campus is located 4km from Dublin city centre on the N11.
  • UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School is located 10km south of Dublin City Centre in Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
  • Our campus is easily accessible by car, DART and bus. 

IT Services

Your UCD Connect account gives access to email and Google Drive storage, Google calendar, eLearning resources, software and much more.

Student Desk

The Student Desk is here to help you. Check out the Ask Us page for current services. You will also find useful information on the FAQs page.

Students' Union

  • You have a dedicated Students' Union (SU) Graduate Officer, who is responsible for providing assistance with issues relating to both your education and welfare.
  • For further information, contact

This is only a starting point; view the full range of Student Services.

3. Your School

  • Whether you are undertaking a taught or a research programme, the key academic contacts will be within your School; please engage with your Supervisor (research students) or Programme Coordinator (taught students).
  • Your School may organise induction events; please check with your School Graduate Coordinator or equivalent.

Research students, see Guidelines on Working with your Supervisor

4. Orientation

You will receive information directly from your School regarding their planned induction activities. UCD Graduate Studies invites:
  • all incoming graduate research students (i.e Doctoral, MD and Research Master’s degree programmes) to attend our graduate research student orientation on Wednesday, 18th September 2024 from 10:00- 13:00 (venue details TBC).
  • all incoming graduate taught students (Master’s and Higher Diploma degrees) to attent GradsCONNECT that will take place on Tuesday 24th September 2024 from 16:00 to 18:00 in O'Reilly Hall.
These events are intended to give graduate students a helpful overview of key information and supports at UCD as well as an opportunity to meet other incoming graduate students from across the University. Find more information and register for these events

Brightspace resources

UCD Graduate Studies also offers an online Orientation for Graduate Research Students module, which students can access via UCD's VLE Brightspace (UCD student login required). For details about how to enrol, please refer to our Brightspace enrolment instructions Graduate Orientation_2024.

Orientation Resources

Orientation Resources for incoming graduate students

View Here