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Healthy Eating - Wellbeing Your Way

Healthy Eating - Wellbeing your Way

Having a balanced diet is an important part of wellbeing. Making small changes to your diet can go a long way! Here are 5 quick benefits of having a balanced diet and how it can help your health!


Here it is!!

A Healthy Eating Seminar and Q&A with Aislinn McCourt, who is a CORU & HCPC registered dietitian and is also currently undertaking a PhD in the UCD Institute of Food and Health.

Aislinn will be discussing the importance of a balanced diet, healthy snack ideas, and how to be healthy on a tight budget. She also addresses some of your questions that were submitted via our Instagram.

If you are looking to make some positive improvements to your diet or you are simply curious about the benefits of healthy eating then this short seminar is for you!!!

A massive thank you to Aislinn for taking the time out of her extremely busy schedule to help out the UCD community in improving their own wellbeing!!

Give Aislinn a follow on:

  • Twitter -> @aislinn_mccourt 
  • Instagram -> @thevitaminddietitian

Keep an eye on the Healthy UCD website and follow @healthyucd on twitter and Instagram to sure you catch up on all our Wellbeing Your Way events!!

Healthy Eating Meal Ideas

Here are some healthy meal ideas courtesy of Aislinn McCourt RD that cost less and save you money while providing you with all the nutritional benefits you get from a balanced diet! These ideas are for people who are looking to improve their diet but are on a tight budget!

If you haven't done so already, check out the whole seminar and Q&A above!!!




Healthy UCD

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
E: healthyucd@ucd.ie |