Rebecca Bermingham McGuire
"Psychosurgery, Gender and Race in North America, 1936-1980"
Rebecca’s doctoral project is an exploration into how invasive psychosurgical procedures, including the lobotomy, were primarily endured by women in North America. By concentrating on gendered and racialised patient experiences, her project investigates how these wider societal biases manifested in psychiatric care. Ultimately this research concentrates on the diversity of lived realities women experienced following surgical intervention, including quality of life, side effects, and post-operative decline.
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PhD Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Prof. Catherine Cox
Academic Achievements:
2021: BA in History, University College Dublin.
2021: Awarded UCD Bachelor of Arts Graduate Scholarship.
2021: Awarded UCD Margaret Curtin Scholarship in Women's History 2021-2022.
2022: MA in Global History, University College Dublin.
2023: Awarded UCD Margaret Curtin Scholarship in Women's History 2023-2024.
Research Interests: Medical History, Gender History, Social History.
Time Period: 20th Century.