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University Of Duisburg-Essen

University of Duisberg-Essen Team

Leoni Mack

Leoni Mack

I am participating in Land2Sea as part of my doctoral thesis. My general interest is environmental protection and I want to contribute to the restoration of our planet. The transfer of comprehensive knowledge from science to policy and decision makers is fundamental and this is an important part of our work in Land2Sea. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in this project! Coming from the field of freshwater ecology, the connection between fresh and marine waters is fascinating. Especially the cooperation with our social scientists is a lot of fun and I love to experience and participate in this interdisciplinary and international exchange. In Work Package 2, I contributed to the design of future scenarios of global change. In Work Package 3, I will focus on the interactions and impacts of anthropogenic stresses on communities in freshwater and marine waters. This will be done through data analysis and experiments linking freshwater and marine ecosystems.

PhD Researcher, Faculty of Biology
Katharina Rettig

Katharina Rettig

I am a PhD student at the University of Duisburg-Essen. With a B.Sc. in Geography and a M.Sc. in Engineering Ecology, I focus my research on the relationship between anthropogenic pressures, the condition of water bodies and benefits people derive from them. My doctoral research examines the utility of Bayesian Belief Networks in assessment and management of aquatic ecosystems. I am principally involved in Land2Sea WP5. To predict impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the ecosystems of Kosterhavet National Park and Tidal Elbe, I develop Bayesian Belief Networks for these two case studies. Additionally, I joined the discussion between WP4 and WP5 on a multidisciplinary modelling approach. I am also involved in WP3, in which I conduct a targeted literature review on impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the ecosystems of Kosterhavet National Park and Tidal Elbe.

PhD Researcher