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Triple Negative Breast Cancer - Amanda McCann

Amanda McCann - Triple Negative Breast Cancer 

Amanda McCann

Name: Prof. Amanda McCann

Job Title/Professional Qualifications: Professor UCD School of Medicine

Role within PVCR (if applicable): PVCR Chair and member of steering committee

Research keywords: Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)

Contact details: 
• Email: amanda.mccann@ucd.ie
• ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1911-3307
• Web profile: (opens in a new window)https://people.ucd.ie/amanda.mccann

Highlight Publication:

(opens in a new window)Exosomes as Biomarkers of Human and Feline Mammary Tumours; A Comparative Medicine Approach to Unravelling the Aggressiveness of TNBC. Jane Howard, Cathy Wyse, David Argyle, Cecily Quinn, Pamela Kelly, Amanda McCann. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer 2020  

What is the significance of this publication? 

Like their human owners, companion animals such as cats and dogs who live in family homes are exposed to lifestyle and environmental factors that may put them at risk of developing diseases such as cancer. Cats can develop cancers that closely resemble the same illness in humans, displaying similar genetic mutations. The disease progresses faster and responds to treatment more quickly than in humans. This ‘compressed pathology’ is an added advantage to researchers who are trying to find positive outcomes for both humans and animals.

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