New Frontiers @NovaUCD

National Programme for Developing Entrepreneurs

New Frontiers at NovaUCD and the Media Cube IADT

New Frontiers is the national entrepreneur development programme supported by Enterprise Ireland, serving South Dublin, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and North Wicklow areas.

The New Frontiers programme is a partnership programme delivered by the Media Cube at IADT and NovaUCD, with IADT, acting as the lead partner.

It is a three-phase programme designed to provide a comprehensive set of business development mentoring supports as well as funding support to participants. It is the ultimate support to help you to develop your business idea into a successful start-up enterprise with the potential to scale internationally.

Upcoming programmes

Phase 1 will help you to research and test the market potential of your business idea. These weekend and evening workshops will provide information and general start-up training, allowing you to evaluate if your idea can be turned into a viable proposition.

Key Benefits:

  • Part-time across week-ends or evenings
  • You can continue in employment
  • Prepares you for accessing Phase 2
  • Helps you arrive at a go/no-go decision

Phase 1: Programme  November – December 2024 or January 2025

Phase 1 of the New Frontiers Programme will be delivered part-time in the evenings or at the weekend.  The call for applications is now open. 

Programme :

Programme A :  November - December 2024

6-9pm Tuesday & Thursday evenings


Programme B: over two weekends in January 2025

Friday evening & Saturday/Sunday all day

Closing date for applications

The closing date for applications is the 14th of October 2024.

Who should apply?

New Frontiers is designed for entrepreneurs who have an innovative business idea and plan to establish and run their own company in Ireland. The business must have the potential to scale internationally and generate employment.

The Programme is open to business ideas from a range of sectors including food and consumer products; information and communication technology; engineering and electronics; medical devices; biotechnology; pharma; digital media; cleantech/renewable energy; eligible internationally traded services. Places on all phases of New Frontiers are assigned through a competitive process.

The programme is divided into three discrete phases

Phase 1 aims to establish if your idea can be turned into a feasible business proposition.

It is a part-time evening (Tuesday & Thursday) OR weekend programme (Friday evening/ Saturday & Sunday). This provides information and general start-up training which helps you to validate the market viability of your business idea.

We are running two Phase 1 Programmes in 2024.

Phase 1 Programme A: Evening Midweek
Tuesday & Thursday evenings, 6-9pm from November - December 2024

Phase 1 Programme B: Weekend Bootcamp
Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday – January 2025

The call for applications for both programmes is now open.

Phase 2 is a six-month intensive programme which requires a full-time commitment.

  • Training in all areas of business including financial management, market research & validation, business modelling, patenting, product development, marketing and sales.
  • Mentoring from experienced business advisers and practitioners.
  • Office space in the Media Cube or NovaUCD.
  • €15,000 seed funding stipend to cover full-time participation in the six-month course.
  • Networking with other entrepreneurs and business development agencies.
  • Introductions to seed and early stage capital investment networks 
  • Peer-group learning from participants in the region and across the country.
  • Access to the expertise in Enterprise Ireland through their Market Information Centre.
  • Expertise from Academic staff of IADT and UCD and support from our dedicated New Frontiers team.

Our current Phase 2 Programme runs from March 2024 – September 2024.


Phase 3 gives participants the opportunity to grow their business, their customer base and to generate more sales. Businesses emerging from Phase 2 can apply to participate in Phase 3 of the Programme. During this phase, participants will focus on implementing their Business Plan by bringing their product/service to market and preparing to acquire further funding.

How to apply

Please fill out your contact details at the page below to receive an application form to the New Frontiers programme.

If you have any queries please contact

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