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Coronavirus: European nations choose self-preservation over the Union | Siniša Malešević quoted in TRTWorld

Coronavirus: European nations choose self-preservation over the Union | Seniša Malešević in TRTWorld

UCD Full Professor of Sociology, (opens in a new window)Siniša Malešević, was recently quoted in an article for TRTWorld exploring how national self-interest is the driving factor behind EU memberstates' respective responses to the COVID-19 emergency.

(opens in a new window)Coronavirus: Europen nations chose self-preservation over the Union draws atention to some discontent within EU member states and it's close neighbours at the lack of a Europe wide support initiative to help manage the unfolding crisis.

Maleševic draws on some of the themes in his Cambridge University Press book (opens in a new window)Grounded Nationalism by demonstrating that the COVID-19 response highlights that nation-states remain the key actor in their citizen's lives.

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