VOICE Project Launches to Shape Tomorrow's Sustainability Through Art-Tech-Society Synergy
Matosinhos, Portugal, 16 January 2024 - As communities globally experience shifts in economic and social dynamics, with an increasing trend towards urbanisation, new challenges emerge. The VOICE project acknowledges the imperative to collectively generate, share, and transfer multifaceted knowledge. This knowledge is seen as a powerful tool to empower diverse stakeholders and communities to actively engage in addressing the complex issues associated with environmental and ecological sustainability. Recognising the transdisciplinary nature of these challenges, the VOICE consortium advocates for critical approaches to how technologies are designed, who benefits from them, and who contributes to their development. This understanding aligns with the goals outlined in the Green Deal, emphasising the need for a holistic approach that considers the diverse facets of human agency, including citizens, industries, and governments integral to environmental ecosystems.