News & Events

New Institute Members March / April 2024

Published: Monday, 29 April, 2024

In March and April 2024, the Earth Institute welcomed seven new Institute members: Kara English, Mark Pickering, Syed Bilal Hussain, Éireann Lorsung, Tadhg O'Mahony, Geertje Schuitema and Gavin McArdle.

Dr Kara English is an Assistant Professor of Sedimentology and Lead of the Sustainable GeoEnergy Research Group within the UCD School of Earth Sciences. Kara's research interests include the challenges and solutions of the energy transition in Ireland and across Europe, as well as sedimentology, basin analysis, reservoir quality and integrated reservoir assessment, and energy policy. Previous research contributions include establishing the Standard Stratigraphic Nomenclature Framework for Ireland’s Offshore Sedimentary Basins with the Department of Environment, Communications and Climate Action.

Dr Mark Pickering is a neuroscientist, microscopist and educator who joined the UCD School of Medicine in 2012.  Public and community engagement and involvement in science is a cornerstone of his work, and he aims to democratise the process of discovery not only through informing and engaging the wider community about science, but empowering them to become active participants in the process of science themselves.  His and his research team's most recent work brings together marine field observations with accessible instrument development to design novel, open-source tools for detection and measurement of marine microplastics. This development involves working not only with other researchers, but also community groups and other “non-expert” users to design instruments for all and democratise research and discovery.  Mark is genuinely passionate about open science.

Dr Syed Bilal Hussain is a Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science since September 2023. His dedication to horticultural science and his extensive experience in teaching, research, and publication underscore his valuable contributions to the field.  He is keen to  leverage his expertise in plant science to tackle the pressing challenges facing sustainable fruit crop production and environmental resilience. His research expertise in plant physiology, metabolomics, and molecular biology aligns perfectly with the Institute's multidisciplinary approach, enabling him to contribute meaningfully to the development of innovative solutions.

Dr Éireann Lorsung (she/her) is a Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the UCD School of English, Drama and Film since September 2022. She is interested to work alongside other people whose professional, artistic, research and teaching interests as well as ethical and political positions concern them with the places we live, the elements that sustain life, and the beings and land we live with.

Dr Tadhg O’Mahony is Assistant Professor in Environmental Policy at University College Dublin in Ireland and Adjunct Professor (Docent) in transformative sustainable futures at Finland Futures Research Centre. He is a systems scientist, futurist and ecological economist, working on transformations to sustainable futures. As lecturer, researcher and consultant, he has over 20 years of experience across academic, government and private roles. His docentship is in Futures Research, titled “Transformative Sustainable Futures: scenarios and foresight of sustainable development.”

Dr Geertje Schuitema is an Associate Professor in Consumer Behaviour and Technology Adoption at UCD's College of Business.  She is an environmental psychologist who researches the psychological processes that underpin behavioural change, such as emotions, trust, fairness and social norms. She studies if and how these psychological factors can be used to design interventions or policies. In particular, she studies how the public accepts technologies and environmental policies in areas like energy, transportation, raw materials, water, and food. Her research and work also connects with social marine science and Just Transition.

Dr Gavin McArdle is an Associate Professor at the UCD School of Computer Science. He is also a Research Associate with the National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG) in Maynooth University and a Collaborator with CeADAR – Centre for Applied Data Analytics. His research focus on the analysis of spatial data, encompassing both vector mapping and remote sensing imagery. He serves as Principal Investigator for the CAMEO Project (DTIF), Vacancy Map Ireland (SFI), and Bikehood (SFI). While his work spans various themes, his primary focus lies at present in sustainable communities.