Coffee Morning: Tancredi Caruso

Re-EcoNet: Reconstructing Ecological Networks to predict systemic crisis

Dr. Tancredi Caruso (UCD), Prof. Matthias Rillig (Freie Universität Berlin) & Dr. Diego Garlaschelli (IMT Lucca & University of Leiden) speak about their project, Re-EcoNet. Network systems provide humans with essential services but can crash dramatically, a case in point being the financial collapse in 2008. Can these crises be predicted before it is too late? The answer is yes, and the key tool is network theory. Re-EcoNet is a multidisciplinary collaboration between theoretical ecologists, physicists, geomorphologists, and biologists who use network science to discover the processes that control the stability and resilience of ecosystems. The overarching goal is the formulation of a research platform to develop large scale projects and a COST Action focusing on the detection of the onset of systemic crises in ecosystems under global change threats.