UCD Smoke-free Policy
UCD is committed to having campuses where all community members can go about their business in an environment unencumbered by smoke or vapour from tobacco or e-cigarettes. This commitment applies to the built-up areas of the campuses, carparks and pedestrian routes to and from commuting facilities.
It is envisaged that the smoke-free campus will be achieved via community engagement and community enforcement. This policy was implemented on a phased basis starting with phase 1 (September 2015) which introduced smoke-free free zones within 10 meters of all entrances to buildings and in proscribed areas. Phase 2 (September 2016) prohibits smoking in the core built-up areas of campus and Phase 3 (September 2017) extended this to commuting hubs.
Information on UCD’s smoke-free campus policy is available here as a downloadable pdf.