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B1 Language Course for Members of the Wider Community

B1 Language Course for Members of the Wider Community

Level B1 - European Certificate in Irish

This course will commence in September 2024 and will be held live on Belfield campus

LEVEL B1: Preparation course for level B1 (opens in a new window)European Cerificate in Irish Exam

DAY: Wednesday

TIME: 17:15 - 19:00


  • Trimester 1: 10 weeks (one class per week)
  • Trimester 2: 10 weeks (one class per week)


  • Trimester 1:  18 September, 25 September, 2 October, 9 October, 16 October, 23 October, 30 October (no class), 6 November, 13 November, 20 November, 27 November 2024
  • Trimester 2: Dates to be confirmed

REGISTRATION FEE: €180 (non-refundable)

This level is suitable for those who have studied Irish at school, perhaps many years ago, who understand a great deal of the language but have had few opportunities to use it in recent years. It is also suitable for those who attended the Level 2 (Elementary) level during the last academic year. Some basic language will be taught initially but the class will then progress at a faster pace than either of the lower level classes. The emphasis will be on developing speaking and listening skills but students will also have some opportunities to read and to write the language as well. Grammar will be taught in context, as it is required.

Learners at this level will have the opportunity to undertake the European Certificate in Irish (TEG) at level B1, see www.teg.ie. We advise you to complete the (opens in a new window)Online Placement Test before registering for a course. Tuition fee covers the classes of the trimester. Examinations/bookings/fees are covered by the participant/ their workplaces, for further details regarding TEG exams, please click (opens in a new window)here. All Gaeltacht UCD teaching materials are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) guidelines. The communicative approach is used in all classes. 

The classes will take place once a week; 10 classes in the first trimester and 10 classes in the second trimester:

(opens in a new window)EXAM DATES

  • Summer 2025 - Full exam or oral exam only
  • Summer 2025 - Oral exam only

Gaeltacht UCD

Room L540, Library Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: ranganna.gaeilge@ucd.ie