The UCD Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science, and Technology brings together expertise in quantum research from across the University in the Schools of Physics, Mathematics & Statistics, Engineering, and Computer Science. With over 25 permanent academic staff as members of the Centre, UCD C-QuEST is the leading quantum research hub in the Nation's Capital, providing a gateway for industrial partners and spin-out companies.

About C-QuEST
The UCD Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science, and Technology facilitates university-wide activities aimed at understanding, developing, and commercializing new quantum technologies. The foundation of C-QuEST at UCD is a timely response to the emerging research, educational, funding, and commercialization opportunities in this sector. It brings together and further develops the considerable existing expertise within UCD on quantum technologies, while bridging between academia and industry.
A key goal of the Centre is to develop inter-disciplinary research activities between our >25 permanent academic staff in different Schools and Colleges, who have different but complementary capabilities, to derive maximum value from the collaborative synergy. The breadth of expertise also allows us to deliver a unique educational offering to students, going beyond the individual abilities of any one School, in the drive to train a “quantum literate” workforce.
For more information about the goals and scope of the centre and its positioning within the national picture check out the videos below
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